Try your hands at something NEW?! You have till the 25th!
ALL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE PLACED ON ANIMAE CARIBE WEBSITE FOR VOTING: Submit here https: //bit.ly/AC21_STOPMO and 👉 Get Stop Motion Tips and Tricks from LAIKA Studio Brad Schiff on the AC website. and winners have their screened on AC21 Website for voting and will be submitted to international Smartphone Film Festivals. Win Lots of Prizes//
• 100 Bmobile $100 Phone Cards
• 20 Annual Bmobile Data Plans
• 10 Tablets
• 100 Animae Caribe Festival (Sponsor Branded) Memorabilia’s
• 10 Animae Caribe Festival (Sponsor Branded) Hampers
In celebration of our 20th Anniversary, we are pleased to announce the Animae Caribe | bmobile 2021 Stopmo-Mobile Competition.