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Current remaining number of featured placement slots in Albany: 2
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ACPHS Class of 2010
ACPHS Health Sciences
ACPHS Pediatric Pharmacy Association
AMC Class of 2023
AMC Physician Assistant Post-graduate Fellowship in Emergency Medicine
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Libraries
Albany Kappa Phi Lambda Upsilon Chapter
Albany Law School
Albany Law School Schaffer Law Library
Albany NAPC
Albany NY Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Albany Vietnamese Student Association - AVSA
Alden March Bioethics Institute
Alpha Chapter - Nu Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Omicron Pi at the University at Albany, Delta Psi
Alpha Phi Delta - Epsilon Eta Chapter at SUNY Albany
Alpha Sigma Phi, ZI - University at Albany
Art + Design at Russell Sage College
Bangladesh Students Association at UAlbany
Brazil Summer Program - University at Albany
Bryant & Stratton College - Albany Campus
CBET Stack Family Center of Biopharmaceutical Education and Training
CTG UAlbany
Career Services - Mildred Elley Albany
College Parkside Pharmacy
College of Nanotechnology, Science, and Engineering at UAlbany
College of Saint Rose Academic Service-Learning
Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities
Cstep (Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program) at UAlbany
Delta Delta Sigma Albany
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University at Albany
Department of Philosophy - University at Albany
Educational Policy & Leadership, University at Albany
Electrical and Computer Engineering - University at Albany
English at Saint Rose
Epsilon Delta Psi - University at Albany
G3: Going Green Globally
GSEU Albany
Geography and Planning Student Association
Global Society for Contamination Control (GSFCC)
Government Law Center at Albany Law School
Great Dane DM- UAlbany's Dance Marathon
Huether School of Business at The College of Saint Rose
IPhO - Albany Chapter
JST 151/ REL 151
Kappa Delta Pi: Tau Theta Chapter
Know Your Schools- For NY Kids
Languages, Literatures and Cultures- University at Albany
MAPS Pre-Health Chapter at The College of Saint Rose
Maria College
Maria College Psychology Club
McCormick Center for the Study of the American Revolution
Multicultural Resource Center, University at Albany
NAfME at The College of Saint Rose
NYS Senate Student Programs
New York State University Police
New York State University Police at Albany
Niagara University Albany Area Alumni
Nu Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Omega Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Alpha Chapter - SUNY Albany
Patricia Standish Curriculum Library
Phi Alpha Delta, University at Albany Pre-Law Chapter
Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society at SUNY Albany
Phi Alpha Theta at UAlbany
Pi Sigma Alpha at UAlbany
Project SHAPE
RISE Partnerships
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy
Russell Sage College Men's Soccer
Russell Sage College, School of Management
SCCC Albany
SUNY - The State University of New York
SUNY Albany Model UN
SUNY Albany Political Theory Workshop
SUNY Empire State College Learning Hub in Albany
SUNY Polytechnic Institute
SUNY SA - The State University of New York Student Assembly
SUNY Voices
Sage College of Albany - Class of 2015
Sage College of Albany Alumni Association
Sage Softball
Saint Rose AIGA
Saint Rose Alumni Association
Saint Rose College Democrats
Saint Rose Communications
Saint Rose Criminal Justice Program
Saint Rose National Mock Trial Team
Schaffer Library of Health Sciences
School of Criminal Justice - University at Albany
School of Social Welfare University at Albany
Siena College Wishmakers on Campus
Siena School of Liberal Arts
Sigma Iota Sigma Multicultural Sorority, Inc. (Beta Chapter ~ SUNY Albany)
Special Education at University at Albany
StRose MI
Student PSSNY
Suny albany
TESOL at SUNY Albany
TPUSA - City of Albany Activism Hub
Tau Sigma National Honor Society-The College of Saint Rose
The Brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi, University at Albany Chapter.
The Center for Art & Design College of Saint Rose
The College of Saint Rose
The College of Saint Rose American Choral Directors Association
The College of Saint Rose Class of 1999
The College of Saint Rose Golden Knights
The College of Saint Rose Graduate Study
The College of Saint Rose International
The College of Saint Rose Office of Alumni Relations
The College of Saint Rose Technologies in Education Conference
The College of Saint Rose Volleyball
The Graduate School at the University at Albany
The Infamous Iota Chapter of Gamma Rho Lambda National Sorority
Theta Gamma Sigma Alumnae Chapter - Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
UAlbany Athletics
UAlbany Campus Center
UAlbany Communication Department
UAlbany Delta Sigma Pi
UAlbany Department of Sociology
UAlbany Dept. of Art & Art History, SUNY
UAlbany Division for Research
UAlbany Experiential Learning
UAlbany Fraternity and Sorority Life
UAlbany Global
UAlbany Graduate Student Association
UAlbany Green Scene
UAlbany Involved
UAlbany Media
UAlbany Minorities and Philosophy - MAP
UAlbany Office of Government & Community Relations
UAlbany Peace Action
UAlbany Programming Board
UAlbany Residential Life
UAlbany School of Business
UAlbany Sexual Violence Prevention Ambassadors SVPA
UAlbany Ski & Snowboard Club
UAlbany Students For Sensible Drug Policy
UAlbany Theatre
UAlbany Veterans
UAlbany Women's Tennis
University At Albany Marketing & Advertising Page
University at Albany - SUNY - Department of Literacy Teaching and Learning
University at Albany - School of Education
University at Albany Campus Recreation
University at Albany Full-Time MBA Program
University at Albany Graduate Student Engagement
University at Albany Hillel
University at Albany Intensive English Language Program
University at Albany International Student & Scholar Services
University at Albany Journalism Program
University at Albany Libraries
University at Albany MBA for Executives Program
University at Albany SUNY International Admissions
University at Albany School of Social Welfare Continuing Education Program
University at Albany Sketchy Characters
University at Albany Study Abroad
University at Albany Young Americans for Liberty
University at Albany, Division of Counseling Psychology
University at Albany, SUNY - Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Vietnam Student Association