Free film screening from Upper Hudson Peace Action
"Screening of "Awake, A Dream from Standing Rock": February 17
On Saturday, February 17, at 7:30 PM, the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District continues its film series with the screening of "Awake, A Dream from Standing Rock" (2017, 88 minutes). In 2016-2017, the Water Protectors at Standing Rock captured world attention through their peaceful resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. This powerful documentary captures the story of the heroic Native-led defiance that dramatically changed the fight for clean water, the environment, and the future of the planet. Crafted as a labor of love, the film is a collaborative effort between indigenous filmmakers and better-known Oscar nominees. One of the filmmakers explained: “What began in North Dakota has become a worldwide rallying cry for resistance to corporate power and its relentless drive for profit at the expense of human needs, rights, and dignity.”
Co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, the Social Justice Center, Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline, and Upper Hudson Peace Action, the film screening will take place in Channing Hall of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, located at 405 Washington Avenue (across the street from the downtown SUNY campus).
Admission is free, and free refreshments will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend."