Happy Independence Day from St Johns #17
Masonic Lodge - Albany, Oregon, as we
celebrate the founding of the country, we can
think of the many great men who contributed
to this mighty endeavor, such as George
Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock,
Paul Revere and many others.. All of these men
listed being Freemasons. Men who put their
lives on the line for the idea of freedom, liberty
and that all men are created equal in the eyes
of God. Freemasonry teaches good men how to
become better men by the use of ancient
symbols and allegory, the morals and values of
which lead to the freedoms we have set out in
our country's constitution that so many take for
granted today. So as we watch those fireworks
tonight and see the American flag wave in the
wind let us always to remember the beauty of
this land and the many who fought so hard to
make it free. Wishing everyone a safe and
happy 4th of July! /G\
"Freemasonry is founded on the immutable
laws of Truth and Justice and its grand object
is to promote the happiness of the human
race." - George Washington