If you feel inspired to embark on a journey of extraordinary purpose to usher in the Golden Age on Earth, you are warmly welcomed to MVU. From the extensive knowledge and techniques offered in a systematic way that is personal to you as the student, this is a very special opportunity for you to attain full human enlightenment and complete mastery of this intelligent existence. Choose your destiny
right here and now to attain the highest pinnacle of human development and become a beacon of light and benevolence for the human collective. The opportunity is offered to here here to take an empowered role in this life, and lead others to the goal so they too can emanate unconditional love and all virtues from the supreme perspective of Brahman Consciousness.
MahaVideha University (MVU) is pioneering a new approach to learning, called Divinity Based Education, which supplies the missing element of all education - God Realization. The Goal of human life is no less than Moksha with God Realization - that means to make God real in one's life, not just a concept, not based on faith or belief. God is a scientific reality, and at MVU every student makes God real in their life. All students at MVU practice techniques that develop their subtle bodies so that they can actually "walk with God" on the subtle plane where God lives. Be the change you want to see in the world. You are interested in MVU because you want to help yourself and others attain the highest achievement for a human life. Maybe you have not articulated that until now, but if you are still here, it is evidence that you have a role to play in the grander scheme of things. If you want to be a lifeguard, first you must become an expert swimmer. How can you save anyone if you cannot save yourself? At MVU you will learn how to save yourself from the ignorance that is Kaliyug and actually accomplish this highest achievement for your life. Then you will be trained to teach and help others. When you have reached the Doctor of Divinity level, you will be a Vedic Master, fully capable of teaching others and helping them to achieve what you have achieved. You will have complete knowledge of the totality of life and the ability to convey this knowledge and provide the practical techniques to help others. We are very fortunate to be alive today, because in our lifetimes we will see the full sunshine of Heaven on Earth. What does this mean? Over 5,000 years ago, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of God for all the innumerable universes, incarnated in His full glory. As the Iron Age, Kali Yuga, began to dawn, Lord Krishna ended His incarnation but promised to send a 10,000 year Golden Age in about 5,000 years. This would be a miniature Sat Yuga (normally Sat Yuga lasts for 1.7 million years). Maharishi acknowledged the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment and the beginning of Heaven on Earth in 1975.