Waldorf University continues to evaluate and meet with public health officials concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus). While our public health officials see no heightened risk in convening classes after spring break, Waldorf University has decided, in an overabundance of caution, to extend Spring Break through 3-22-20. This extension will allow faculty and staff to prepare should the decision be made to move to a distance-learning platform. There are currently no documented cases of COVID-19 and the risk factor remains low within the Waldorf University and Forest City communities. In addition to the extended time frame of Spring Break, the following measures will be implemented at Waldorf University:
• A decision of whether to restart courses via face-to-face or online will be announced by 2 p.m. CST on Thursday March 19
• All current online courses will continue with current schedules
• Waldorf University residential halls and dining facility will remain open and available
• Athletic activities are suspended until further notice
• Additional campus activity notifications will be announced via email, on the Waldorf.edu website, and via social media platforms
• Students who wish to collect any personal items remaining on university grounds are welcome to do so
We will continue to monitor the latest developments regarding this ever-changing situation. For additional information, please visit CDC.gov and idph.iowa.gov. We will continue to post updates concerning Waldorf University at www.waldorf.edu/COVID-19. On behalf of everyone at Waldorf University, we appreciate your continued support and understanding in these ever-changing times.