Boot Camps Day 2 - Video Editing
Boot Camps Day 2 - Welding
Boot Camps Day 2 - Automation
Boot Camps Day 2 - Establishing Shots
Boot Camp Day 1 - Post Production
Boot Camps Day 1 - Robotics
Boot Camps Day 1 - Welding
2024 HutchCC Commencement
BTS - February @hutchccmedia
Everyone acts different in front of the camera...
Our new Arri Skypanel S60c!
15 Sec Ad TV Spot
HutchCC Media's new 15 second ad spot. Produced by Hutchcc Media staff and students.
1959 HutchCC v. Butler CC - Duke in pregame
Ever wonder what Duke Dragon was like in 1959? Recently digitized period footage gives us a peek. @HutchCC
Behind the scenes from class.