Associated Students of Pasadena City College

Associated Students of Pasadena City College We are students for students, and we encourage you to join AS and be involved in student government! Visit to stay connected.

We are PCC’s student government consisting of 12 current students that are elected annually to represent and work for the students. Our goal is to provide students with information, entertainment, and services that are necessary to support them in reaching academic success at PCC and in the future. We also represent the student body to both the college as a whole and outside of PCC in lobbying to

our legislators and national reps. To help us, students may be asked to take part in voluntary AS surveys or focus groups, as well as being invited to monthly town halls. ASPCC is here to let students know what’s going on at the college that may affect students, and give the students an opportunity to give us their views, comments and concerns. Follow us on Twitter !

Get to know your Board of Trustees Candidates at the..PCC Trustee Candidates Forum 🏛Open forum for students and communit...

Get to know your Board of Trustees Candidates at the..

PCC Trustee Candidates Forum 🏛

Open forum for students and community members to ask questions and have one on one conversations with candidates!

⬇️ Event Details ⬇️
Tuesday May 24th from 5pm - 8pm. 

The forum will be held from 5pm-8pm in the Creveling Lounge on the PCC main campus (1570 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106)

Hey Lancers! Hope you guys had an amazing year ❤️ Here is our 2/2 of our student spotlights..Meet Zana Masleša,A second ...

Hey Lancers! Hope you guys had an amazing year ❤️ Here is our 2/2 of our student spotlights..

Meet Zana Masleša,

A second year film major at PCC who plans on transferring this year. Zana arrived here at Pasadena City College in the midst of a pandemic and was worried if she would be able to have the same college experience people speak of, despite attending classes via zoom. She decided to join a few clubs/committees and started to make friends. Some of the clubs include: Diagonals club, ASPCC,
Strategic Communications Committee, Student Equity Committee, and the Honors Program. Not only did these clubs help the community, but they also helped her in taking steps towards transferring. Zana gained new knowledge and experience as a college student which was exactly what she was looking for.
When Zana initially arrived at PCC she was unsure of what major best suited her but after some thinking and help from counselors here at PCC, Zana decided a Film major was best because of her love for analyzing and dissecting films.
Zana also felt reassurance for pursuing a film major when she joined a theater class. Zana’s favorite experience at PCC has been performing Hamlet for said Theater Class because it helped her overcome shyness and solidified her love for the arts. Zana’s top 3 transfer choices are UCLA, UCSB, and Loyola Marymount. With the help and support of counselors from the Transfer Center, Success Center, and even the Honors program, Zana is set to transfer to one of these amazing universities this year!
What have you learned from your time at PCC?
“If you want to form connections you have to make that first step!”

Update: As of May, Zana has now been accepted into UCSB and UCLA.

Hey Lancers‼️ The year is almost over so we’d like to spotlight some students 🤩 Here is the first of two interviews we’v...

Hey Lancers‼️ The year is almost over so we’d like to spotlight some students 🤩 Here is the first of two interviews we’ve conducted…

“My name is Lauren Lee, a third year PCC student studying Microbiology.

I am most proud of the fact that I am leading a campus organization aiming to provide useful resources available to every PCC student. The campus-wide events we hosted are genuinely planned and hosted for the benefits of all students regardless of their study focus. There is this sense of rewarding feeling everytime we wrap up an event, to know that what we planned from scratch has been successfully developed into an event–– not to mention the personal growth I feel. I sincerely feel that I get better and better at leading my team and the club the more we host events. And that is what I am most proud of: having the President position to lead a group of like-minded people in providing resources to students.

My future plan is to transfer successfully while also enjoying my early twenties :). I realized that I was too focused on my academics that I forgot to have fun and breathe along the way. I will for sure be active in organizations and volunteering activities–– I came to appreciate learning in various environments and getting to know people. It is just exciting and fun! In terms of career-wise, I am hoping to be a physician assistant.

For those who are taking the similar path to me. Yes, it is hard. Yes, you might need to sleep at 2~3am every day. Welp, you are not alone. Just know that if you really really have a strong will to aim at what you hope to aim, you have to work hard for it. Don't forget to relax and have time for yourselves along the way. Always have hope, always have something to look forward to: be successful. And whenever you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place.

–Lauren Lee out–“

It’s almost that time of year again📚‼️We want you to have an amazing week of finals so come join us for..🥳 Finals Relaxa...

It’s almost that time of year again📚‼️

We want you to have an amazing week of finals so come join us for..

🥳 Finals Relaxation Week from Tuesday - Thursday May 3-5. We’ve got free food for you in the quad starting at 11AM 🍟

VOTE TODAY‼️Your Associated Students General Elections begin today and end tomorrow. Make your voice heard by voting you...


Your Associated Students General Elections begin today and end tomorrow. Make your voice heard by voting your candidates. These leaders will be making important decisions next year.

We’ll be in the quad from 11AM-1PM with free Porto’s Pastries for confirmed voters 🍰✨

📲 Vote online at

Thank you got Covid-Testing this semester, we know it’s been difficult! As your ASPCC Student Body Representatives, we h...

Thank you got Covid-Testing this semester, we know it’s been difficult! As your ASPCC Student Body Representatives, we have advocated to incentivize students for their resilience and community effort to keep our campus safe from Covid-19, for each of the 16-weeks in this Spring 2022 Semester. ❤️

In partnership with the District, we’re raffling off (160) $200 Visa Gift Cards! 💰

The winners are randomly selected and will be notified via their Lancer email. Please keep an eye out on your email to find out if you’ve won! 📩

There will be 🔟 gift card winners for each week of the Spring Semester. Check and see if you are a past winner 🛍

Hey Lancers😍 We’ve got an extremely event filled week!The Sustainability Town Hall will be on Friday, April 22 at 12PM 🌎...

Hey Lancers😍 We’ve got an extremely event filled week!

The Sustainability Town Hall will be on Friday, April 22 at 12PM 🌎🌱

Come learn about sustainability! Internship and volunteering availabilities available for you to explore✨

📍Located in Harbeson Hall

🍽 Food will be provided (vegan options too) + activist goodies will be given out 🛍

🧴Students should bring a container for free sustainably-branded shampoo/conditioner 🧼

🚨Attention Lancers🚨❌ Thursday’s Shang Chi Movie Night is canceled!Come to the other events we have this week and remembe...

🚨Attention Lancers🚨

❌ Thursday’s Shang Chi Movie Night is canceled!

Come to the other events we have this week and remember to vote in the AS Spring General Elections tomorrow and Thursday!

It’s Giveaway Time!✨We want to show our Lancers some extra love before the semester is over! Participate for your chance...

It’s Giveaway Time!✨

We want to show our Lancers some extra love before the semester is over!

Participate for your chance to win an Amazon Gift Card! 💸

All you have to do is:
💰Like This Post
💰Tag 3 Friends

There will be a total of 5 winners receiving $30 Amazon Gift Cards.
Multiple entries allowed.

Winners will be messaged information on how to collect their prizes by April 22. Last day to participate is April 21.

Hey Lancers😍 We’ve got an extremely event filled week coming up!The Sustainability Town Hall will be on Friday, April 22...

Hey Lancers😍 We’ve got an extremely event filled week coming up!

The Sustainability Town Hall will be on Friday, April 22 at 12PM 🌎🌱

Come learn about sustainability! Internship and volunteering availabilities available for you to explore✨

📍Located in Harbeson Hall

🍽 Food will be provided (vegan options too) + activist goodies will be given out 🛍

🐉 Shang Chi Movie Night 💥Need entertainment and love superheroes? Come watch Shang Chi with us on Thursday, April 21st a...

🐉 Shang Chi Movie Night 💥

Need entertainment and love superheroes? Come watch Shang Chi with us on Thursday, April 21st at 6PM‼️

We’ll be Harbeson Hall📍

🧋Free boba, banh mi, candy, popcorn and drinks provided✨ Bring your friends!

3️⃣ weeks left of the semester Lancers!!Come celebrate transferring and the end of the school year with the… 🎓 Transferi...

3️⃣ weeks left of the semester Lancers!!

Come celebrate transferring and the end of the school year with the…

🎓 Transferitis Event ✨

⬇️ Event Details ⬇️
• Thursday, April 21st @ 11:30am
• food and games provided
• giving out goodie bags, packing lists and tote bags that you can decorate 👜🎨

‼️ It’s time for Spring General Elections ‼️ Vote for YOUR candidates at our..🥐✨ Porto’s Votos Event ✨🥐• Event Details •...

‼️ It’s time for Spring General Elections ‼️ Vote for YOUR candidates at our..

🥐✨ Porto’s Votos Event ✨🥐

• Event Details •
📍Wed - Thurs April 20th & 21st , 11a - 1p in the quad
🍰 Free Porto’s pastries for voters who have a confirmation notice
🗳 Voting booths with laptops available
📲 Show us confirmation if voting on your personal device

Make your voice heard Lancers! Your vote counts. These candidates will be your student representatives next year 😍

🚨Attention Lancers🚨There’s a location change for Drag Bingo today! We’ll be in Harbeson Hall 📍Join us at 12PM‼️

🚨Attention Lancers🚨

There’s a location change for Drag Bingo today! We’ll be in Harbeson Hall 📍

Join us at 12PM‼️

🌻Hey Lancers,⁠⁠In honor of Women’s History Month last month, help us by donating hygiene products to the...⁠⁠💄Student Eq...

🌻Hey Lancers,⁠

In honor of Women’s History Month last month, help us by donating hygiene products to the...⁠

💄Student Equity Committee Women’s Hygiene Product Drive 🧼

⬇️ Drive Details ⬇️⁠
• Hygiene Item Drop-Off Box @ the OSL, Freeman Center, Learning Assistance Center, Student Health Services Center and Transfer Center
• April 12th until April 29th⁠
• Service hours for your PCC club or organization offered for donations!⁠ Look at our post for details.
⁠• In collaboration with the group Womens Room at Friends in Deed and the Lancer Pantry ❤️

Guess what Lancers⁉️💋Drag Bingo with  is back! We’ll be in the Crevling Lounge on April 13th from 12-1pm with a show for...

Guess what Lancers⁉️

💋Drag Bingo with is back! We’ll be in the Crevling Lounge on April 13th from 12-1pm with a show for you

Day 6️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”❤️ Thanks for an amazing week and all the love Lancers!• Chief Justice •📌 Natalia H...

Day 6️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”

❤️ Thanks for an amazing week and all the love Lancers!

• Chief Justice •
📌 Natalia Hernandez

• Student Trustee •
📌 David Ramirez

Day 5️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”😻 Let’s show some love for all the hard work they’ve done this year!• VP of Campus ...

Day 5️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”

😻 Let’s show some love for all the hard work they’ve done this year!

• VP of Campus Activities •
📌 Marcus Gomez

• VP of External Affairs •
📌 Jonathan Apodaca

Day 4️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”❤️ Follow to see more fun events we’ll be having!• VP of Sustainability •📌Christian...

Day 4️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”

❤️ Follow to see more fun events we’ll be having!

• VP of Sustainability •
📌Christian Montoya

• VP of Student Services •
📌 Jae Hun Hwang

Day 3️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”❓Got questions? Come ask us!• VP of Business Affairs •📌 Brianna Akopian • VP of Com...

Day 3️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”

❓Got questions? Come ask us!

• VP of Business Affairs •
📌 Brianna Akopian

• VP of Communications •
📌 Rachel Cheung

Day 2️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”Say hello to some of the amazing people who help plan our events and make change! ❤...

Day 2️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”

Say hello to some of the amazing people who help plan our events and make change! ❤️

• VP of Academic Affairs •
📌 Youjin Song

• VP of Student Equity •
📌 Jillian Rousseau

Day 1️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”❤️ Show some love to your student reps• President of AS •📌 Emmanuel Gómez• Executiv...

Day 1️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”

❤️ Show some love to your student reps

• President of AS •
📌 Emmanuel Gómez

• Executive VP •
📌 Nathalie Guzman

Day 1️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”❤️ Show some love to our President and Executive VP!• President of AS •📌 Emmanuel G...

Day 1️⃣ of “Meet the Executive Board”

❤️ Show some love to our President and Executive VP!

• President of AS •
📌 Emmanuel Gómez

• Executive VP •
📌 Nathalie Guzman

Hey Lancers! Do you want to know who your student representatives are? 🧑🏽‍💼Starting tomorrow, we will be introducing the...

Hey Lancers! Do you want to know who your student representatives are? 🧑🏽‍💼

Starting tomorrow, we will be introducing the 12 members of the Executive Board and how their responsibilities help you, a member of the student body.

ℹ️ Want to help raise awareness about student government? Be sure to save and share this post to your story!

Burgers n’ Brains Scavenger Hunt until 1PM🕵🏼‍♀️Come to the quad for free burgers after finishing your flier 😍 We’ve got ...

Burgers n’ Brains Scavenger Hunt until 1PM🕵🏼‍♀️

Come to the quad for free burgers after finishing your flier 😍 We’ve got vegetarian and cheeseburgers for you 👉🏼

Interested in Finance and looking for a fun film to watch? We’ve got the perfect event for you 💸🕧 We’ll be watching JOY ...

Interested in Finance and looking for a fun film to watch? We’ve got the perfect event for you 💸

🕧 We’ll be watching JOY in the Circadian Room on Tuesday, March 29th at 6:30PM!

Come join us for free food and a great time‼️ Joy is a movie following a family and their growing business dynasty 📈💲


We’ve got an event filled week coming up‼️

🎪 The Student Services Fair will on March 24th from 11a - 1p! Come meet student services like the Lancer Pantry - we’ve got lots of information for you 😍

🍽 Free dog haus hot dogs, donuts, drinks for the first people who get stamps from different student services!

👋🏼 Hey Lancers Looking for a fun activity with ✨delicious✨ prizes? Participate in the Burgers n’ Brains Scavenger Hunt n...

👋🏼 Hey Lancers

Looking for a fun activity with ✨delicious✨ prizes? Participate in the Burgers n’ Brains Scavenger Hunt next week 🍔

We’ll be handing out fliers from Monday through Wednesday March 21-23. Bring your completed form to the quad at 12PM March 24 to receive your free burger combo and pie‼️

Happy Hunting 😋

Calling all fans‼️ASPCC and JSC will be featuring Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind at 6PM - March 18th 😍 Come to susta...

Calling all fans‼️

ASPCC and JSC will be featuring Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind at 6PM - March 18th 😍

Come to sustainability movie night for a great time ✨


Interested in joining student government? Run for the ASPCC Executive Board ‼️

Submit a Registration of Intent to run for ASPCC Executive Board Spring 2022. The form will close on Thursday - March 31st at 4:30 PM. Submit your form by then to ensure you will be able to run for office!

We can’t wait to meet our future leaders 👋🏼😍


1570 E Colorado Boulevard
Pasadena, CA


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