Sun's chromosphere
Get ready for the eclipse with the show "TOTALITY" in the Appold Planetarium this weekend!
beautiful sun
Our beautiful Sun yesterday as seen from space by the SDO spacecraft.
Credit: NASA
Massive explosion on the Sun -a coronal mass ejection. This happened on the far side of the Sun, which is really lucky for everyone on Earth!
Black Hole Visit
Black Friday is for black holes!
Excited to have a brand-new picture of our Milky Way's black hole to talk about in the planetarium tonight!
Off the screen! Perseverance rover filmed the Mars helicopter Ingenuity’s third flight, at least the part that was in its field of view! 164 feet downrange, then back to home base.
Keep in mind that the test chamber on Earth only let the helicopter fly 1.6 feet.
Visiting a Black Hole
Black Holes are really not safe, but if you really must go then watch the safety video first!
Visualizing a black hole
Brand new visualization of a black hole illustrates how its gravity distorts our view, warping its surroundings as if seen in a carnival mirror. The visualization simulates the appearance of a black hole where infalling matter has collected into a thin, hot structure called an accretion disk. The black hole’s extreme gravity skews light emitted by different regions of the disk, producing the misshapen appearance.
Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Jeremy Schnittman
The Sun as observed in a different wavelength by the Solar Dynamics Observatory
And a little more sunshine!
Planet Earth
A celebration of our planet on Earth Day
Scale of the Solar System
Friday night special: Speed up time to 5 hours per second and this is what the solar system looks like... sizes, rotation rates and tilts of select solar system objects are to scale! Video by Dr. James O'Donoghue of NASA Goddard.