Off-Campus Housing: 6 Things Students Need to
It’s home sweet home. It’s where your heart is. It’s where you make it. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
We're hiring RAs for the spring!
Would you rather share all your clothes or all your snacks?
What to bring to campus | Students Answer
Inclusion is us
At the end of the day, #InclusionIsUs. Tell us what inclusion means to you in the comments 👇 More:
Christine: Inclusion is bravery.
Inclusion is bravery. What does #inclusion mean to you? More videos: #InclusionIsUs
Ashley: Inclusion is creating opportunities.
Inclusion is creating #opportunities. What else does #inclusion mean to you? More: #InclusionIsUs
Taris: Inclusion is work.
Inclusion is work. What else does #inclusion mean to you? More: #InclusionIsUs
Emelie: Inclusion is awareness.
Inclusion starts right outside our comfort zone. What does #inclusion mean to you? More: #InclusionIsUs
Keesha: Inclusion is understanding.
Staff member Keesha tells us what #inclusion means to her. As always, we encourage you to reach out and for us to stand together. More: #InclusionIsUs
Daniel: Inclusion is design.
Daniel shares thoughts on inclusion and creating a sense of belonging. What does #inclusion mean to you? More: #InclusionIsUs
Quintin: Inclusion is intentional.
AU staff share their thoughts on inclusion. What does #inclusion mean to you? More: #InclusionIsUs
Fall 2017 Move-In: New AU Students Move to Campus
Two weeks ago, the American University community welcomed a new generation of eagles. What they had to say. #AUEaglesLand