Hey y’all! I am very excited to be your secretary for CNafme this year. 😊 I hope you all are settling in as this new school year begins. I can’t wait to meet all of you and get to know you better once the school year starts!
Hello! I'm Alison Parker and I am your treasurer this year. I hope adjusting back into this school year is not too hard and that you all have an amazing year!
Hi everyone! I cannot wait for a new school year and everything that's going on in CNAfME. I just wanted to introduce myself and share with you why I love being in CNAfME!
Emily Son - Welcome to Friends C-NAfME
"Hi, everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer that was filled with rest and fun. As the first day of school draws nearer, here's a little video explaining to those of you who I am and what this organization is. I can't wait to see all of you, both old friends and new!
Much love, Emily
P.S. don't be like me - GET YOUR SLEEP SCHEDULE TOGETHER!!!"