Groupe d'Études Winnicottiennes (GEW)

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Groupe d'Études Winnicottiennes (GEW) Le Groupe d'Études Winnicottiennes (GEW) est un groupe interdisciplinaire dont l'objectif est de promouvoir la pensée de Donald W. Winnicott.


"The human house is a paradox"

"WE cannot insist that the first years of infancy are of supreme importance, and that mothers are not of supreme importance; or that motherhood is a topic of sufficient interest for men, but not of sufficient interest for mothers. Every word that is said about the tremendous importance of trivial nursery habits goes to prove that being a nurse is not trivial. All tends to the return of the simple truth that the private work is the great one and the public work the small. The human house is a paradox, for it is larger inside than out."

~G.K. Chesterton: 'The Common Man.'

(Artwork: Admiration Maternelle. By William Bouguereau, 1825-1905).


In using the 'word culture' I am thinking of the inherited tradition. I am thinking of something that is in the common pool of humanity, into which individuals and groups of people may contribute, and from which we may all draw if we have somewhere to put what we find.

[...] It interests me, however, as a side issue, that in any cultural field it is no possible to be original except on a basis of tradition.. Conversely, no one in the line of cultural contributors repeats except as a deliberate quotation, and the unforgivable sin in the cultural field is plagiarism. The interplay between originality and the acceptance of tradition as the basis for inventiveness seems to me to be just one more example, and a very exciting one, of the interplay between separateness and union.

-- DWW "The Location of Cultural Experience" (1967)


« I have chosen to look at human nature through a study of the child. Although in health the adult continues to grow, develop and change right up to the moment of death, there is a pattern already to be discerned in the child which will persist, just as the face remains recognisable throughout the life of the individual.

But where is the child to be found ? »

WINNICOTT D.W., Human Nature

Colloque sur "l'interdisciplinarité dans la clinique" à São Paulo les 6 et 7 mai 2016.

Colloque sur "l'interdisciplinarité dans la clinique" à São Paulo les 6 et 7 mai 2016.


“The most aggressive and therefore the most dangerous words in the languages of the world are to be found in the assertion I AM.”

― D.W.W., Home is Where We Start From


« PERCEPTION IN NO PRIMARY PHASE OF CONSCIOUSNESS ; it's an ulterior function acquired by a dream which has become symbolic of its external conditions, and therefore relevant to its own destiny. Such relevance and symbolism are indirect and slowly acquired ; their status cannot be understood unless we regard them as forms of imagination happily grown significant. In imagination, not in perception, lies the substance of experience, while science and reason are but its chastened and ultimate form ».

SANTAYANA G., Little Essays, 1920

The 1st International Congress of the IWA starts today (2PM, São Paulo GMT+3). Please have a look on the program!Le prem...

The 1st International Congress of the IWA starts today (2PM, São Paulo GMT+3). Please have a look on the program!

Le premier Congrès international de l'IWA débute aujourd'hui à l'Université Pontificale de São Paulo (GMT+3). Veuillez trouve le programme des conférences ci-dessous.

Centro de Lógica, Unicamp Centro Winnicott de São Paulo Grupo de Pesquisa em Filosofia e Práticas Psicoterápicas da Unicamp

SAVE THE DATE : Pr. Zeljko Loparic is announcing (in portuguese) the forthcoming IWA colloquium in São Paulo (May 14th-1...

SAVE THE DATE : Pr. Zeljko Loparic is announcing (in portuguese) the forthcoming IWA colloquium in São Paulo (May 14th-16th). As Secretary-General and Belgian representative, Loris Notturni will give a talk entitled "Anthropoteleological views from Winnicott's thought. A Winnicottian contribution in philosophy".

Feel free to share and to join in!

Em nome da Sociedade Winnicott de São Paulo e da International Winnicott Association (IWA), o professor Zeljko Loparic convida ao XX Colóquio Winnicott Inter...


"We know that the world was there before the infant, but the infant does not know this, and at first the infant has the illusion that what is found is created. But this state of affairs is only achieved when the mother acts well enough. This problem of primary creativity has been discussed as one of earliest infancy; in point of fact it is a problem that never ceases to have meaning, as long as the individual is alive.

Gradually there comes about in intellectual understanding of the fact of the world's existence prior to the individual's, but feeling remains that the world is personally created.

I put great stress on this part of the study of human nature".

D.W. WINNICOTT, Human Nature

Chères amies, chers amis, Les conférences de ce semestre seront suspendues pour des raisons d'organisation. Le programme...

Chères amies, chers amis,
Les conférences de ce semestre seront suspendues pour des raisons d'organisation. Le programme du premier semestre 2015 sera publié durant le mois de novembre.

A très bientôt!



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