1. We have not done matriculation, I am a fresh student and just did exam registration. Is TMA meant for me also?
Answer👉 YES
2. Sir, I don't understand this TMA. Is it an exam and what does it entails?
Answer👉 TMA is an acronym for Tutor Marked Assignment and it is not an exam but rather a compulsory continuous assessment exercise that need to be done to be eligible to write your exams.
3. If I don't do my TMAs hope I can do my exams in peace?🧐
Answer👉 TMA is so important that missing 2 TMAs may disqualify you from writing the entire exam of the particular course talk-less of skipping your entire TMAs.
4. How many marks are given for a TMA since I heard there are 3 TMAs?
Answer👉 we have 3 TMAs;
TMA1(10 marks)
TMA2(10 marks)
TMA3(10 marks)
Total: 30 marks
5. Does TMA have a timeline like timing clock that when you start it will take like an hour or 30 minutes to finish like jamb?
Answer👉 NOUN TMAs doesn't have a countdown time like jamb or regular CBT exams rather, NOUN TMAs follows the countdown timing by days contrary to CBT exams which is by hours or minutes. And each TMAs takes about 10 days I.e
TMA1 10 days
TMA2 10 days
TMA3 10 days
Provided no portal glitch or challenges arises, which in most cases do arise.
For more information and help on TMAs, Business plan please don't hesitate to private the Admin