Bridgend College Jobs

Bridgend College Jobs Be All That You Can Be |
Byddwch Yn Bopeth Y Gallwch Fod

🔎Bridgend College are looking for individuals to assist with ongoing examinations at the CollegeInvigilator 💷Salary scal...

🔎Bridgend College are looking for individuals to assist with ongoing examinations at the College


💷Salary scale 3: £12.66 - £13.36 per hour

⏳Please note, this an hourly paid contract which means that specific days and hours cannot be guaranteed - they are offered on a casual, ad hoc basis to fit the needs of the service and so may vary.

You will be required to supervise the conduct of written and/or online examinations. This will include the preparation of examination rooms and materials and the distribution and collection of examination papers.

You will be computer literate and possess good communication skills, both oral and written. You will also have good organisation skills and excellent attention to detail. Experience of working at a College or School is desirable.

⏰Closing date: 17/02/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


🔎Mae Coleg Penybont yn chwilio am unigolion i gynorthwyo gydag arholiadau parhaus yn y Coleg

Goruchwyliwr Arholiadau

💷Graddfa Gyflog 3: £12.66 - £13.36 yr awr

⏳Sylwch, mae hwn yn gontract â thȃl fesul awr sy'n golygu na ellir gwarantu diwrnodau ac oriau penodol - fe'u cynigir ar sail achlysurol, ad hoc i gyd-fynd ag anghenion y gwasanaeth ac felly gallant amrywio.

Bydd gofyn i chi oruchwylio cynnal arholiadau ysgrifenedig a / neu ar-lein. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys paratoi ystafelloedd a deunyddiau arholiadau a dosbarthu a chasglu papurau arholiad.

Byddwch yn hyddysg mewn cyfrifiadura ac yn meddu ar sgiliau cyfathrebu da, ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig. Bydd hefyd gennych sgiliau trefnu da a sylw rhagorol i fanylder. Mae profiad o weithio mewn Coleg neu Ysgol yn ddymunol.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 17/02/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

🔍We are on the lookout for a Cleaner to join our estates team at Bridgend College's Pencoed Campus!Cleaner⏳15 or 17.5 ho...

🔍We are on the lookout for a Cleaner to join our estates team at Bridgend College's Pencoed Campus!


⏳15 or 17.5 hours per week
5:30am - 8:30am or 5:00am - 8:30am, Monday to Friday

💷Salary Scale 1: £24,425 pro rata per annum - £12.66 per hour

You will undertake routine cleaning operations on our Pencoed Campus ensuring that the College is cleaned to a high standard throughout your assigned area. With knowledge of cleaning processes and materials you will have a good standard of education and be able to work with minimum supervision. A flexible team player, you must be able to plan your work effectively.

⏰Closing date: 17/02/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


🔍Rydym yn chwilio am Glanhawr i ymuno a thîm ystadau ar gampws Pencoed Coleg Penybont!


⏳15 neu 17.5 awr yr wythnos
5:30yb - 8:30yb neu 5:00yb - 8:30yb, Dydd Llun - Dydd Gwener

💷Graddfa Gyflog 1: £24,425 y flwyddyn (pro-rata) - £12.66 yr awr

Byddwch yn ymgymryd â gweithrediadau glanhau rheolaidd ar ein Campws Pencoed i sicrhau fod y Coleg wedi’i glanhau i safon uchel o fewn eich adran. Byddwch yn deall y proses o lanhau a bydd gennych safon dda o addysg, ac yn gallu gweithio heb oruchwyliaeth. Mae’r gallu i gynllunio’n effeithiol a gweithio fel rhan o dîm yn angenrheidiol.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 17/02/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

📢We are seeking a motivated and skilled Hourly Paid Lecturer who specialises in English to join our passionate and enthu...

📢We are seeking a motivated and skilled Hourly Paid Lecturer who specialises in English to join our passionate and enthusiastic team at Bridgend College!

💷Unqualified: £25,371 - £29,942 per annum (pro rata, hourly paid)
Qualified: £32,304 - £49,934 per annum (pro rata, hourly paid)

⏳Please note, this is an hourly paid contract which means that specific days and hours cannot be guaranteed - they are offered on a casual, ad hoc basis to fit the needs of the service and so may vary.

In this flexible role, you will have experience in delivering high-quality teaching in GCSE English and/or Essential Skills Communication, helping students develop the language and communication skills essential for their future success.

You should hold a degree (or equivalent) in English, along with a PGCE certificate (or be prepared to obtain this). If you are excited to contribute to an innovative learning environment and have a commitment to helping learners achieve their goals, we encourage you to apply!

⏰Closing date: 05/02/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


📢Rydym yn chwilio am Ddarlithydd Saesneg a delir fesul awr sy’n fedrus ac yn llawn cymhelliant i ymuno â'n tîm angerddol a brwdfrydig yng Ngholeg Penybont!

💷Digymhwyster: £25,371 - £29,7942 y flwyddyn (pro rata, fesul awr)
Cymwysedig: £32,304 - £49,934 y flwyddyn (pro rata, fesul awr)

⏳Sylwch, mae hwn yn gontract fesul awr sy'n golygu na ellir gwarantu dyddiau ac oriau penodol - maent yn cael eu cynnig ar sail achlysurol, ad hac i gyd-fynd ag anghenion y gwasanaeth ac felly gallant amrywio.

Yn y rôl hyblyg hon, bydd angen profiad o ddysgu Saesneg TGAU a/neu Sgiliau Hanfodol Cyfathrebu, gan helpu myfyrwyr i ddatblygu’r sgiliau ieithyddol a chyfathrebu sydd eu hangen i lwyddo yn y dyfodol.

Dylech feddu ar radd (neu gyfwerth) mewn Saesneg, ynghyd â thystysgrif TAR (neu’n barod i ennill hon). Os ydych yn llawn cyffro am gyfrannu a siapio dyfodol dysgwyr mewn amgylchedd dysgu arloesol, rydym yn eich annog i wneud cais!

⏰Dyddiad cau: 05/02/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

🔎We are seeking a motivated and skilled Hourly Paid Lecturer who specialises in Maths to join our passionate and enthusi...

🔎We are seeking a motivated and skilled Hourly Paid Lecturer who specialises in Maths to join our passionate and enthusiastic team at Bridgend College!

💷Unqualified: £25,371 - £29,942 per annum (pro rata, hourly paid)
Qualified: £32,304 - £49,934 per annum (pro rata, hourly paid)

⏳Please note, this is an hourly paid contract which means that specific days and hours cannot be guaranteed - they are offered on a casual, ad hoc basis to fit the needs of the service and so may vary.

In this flexible role, you will have experience in delivering engaging and effective teaching in Maths, with knowledge of current WJEC Mathematics and Essential Skills qualifications up to Level 2.

You should hold a degree (or equivalent) in Maths, along with a PGCE certificate (or be prepared to obtain this). If you are excited to contribute and shape the future of learners in an innovative learning environment, we encourage you to apply!

⏰Closing date: 05/02/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


🔎Rydym yn chwilio am Ddarlithydd Mathemateg a delir fesul awr sy’n fedrus ac yn llawn cymhelliant i ymuno â'n tîm angerddol a brwdfrydig yng Ngholeg Penybont!

💷Digymhwyster: £25,371 - £29,7942 y flwyddyn (pro rata, fesul awr)
Cymwysedig: £32,304 - £49,934 y flwyddyn (pro rata, fesul awr)

⏳Sylwch, mae hwn yn gontract fesul awr sy'n golygu na ellir gwarantu dyddiau ac oriau penodol - maent yn cael eu cynnig ar sail achlysurol, ad hac i gyd-fynd ag anghenion y gwasanaeth ac felly gallant amrywio.

Yn y rôl hyblyg hon, bydd angen profiad o ddysgu Mathemateg mewn modd diddorol ac effeithiol, gyda gwybodaeth am y cymwysterau CBAC Mathemateg a Sgiliau Hanfodol cyfredol hyd at Lefel 2.

Dylech feddu ar radd (neu gyfwerth) mewn Mathemateg, ynghyd â thystysgrif TAR (neu’n barod i ennill hon). Os ydych yn llawn cyffro am gyfrannu a siapio dyfodol dysgwyr mewn amgylchedd dysgu arloesol, rydym yn eich annog i wneud cais!

⏰Dyddiad cau: 05/02/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

✨An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Digital Marketing Campaigns Executive to join our Marketing Team at Bridgend C...

✨An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Digital Marketing Campaigns Executive to join our Marketing Team at Bridgend College!

Digital Marketing Campaigns Executive

⏳Full time and Permanent

💷Salary scale 5/6 : £29,004 - £35,131 per annum

Job Purpose: Using your creative skills, you’ll produce and optimise content, showcasing the experiences and stories of the Bridgend College community. Monitoring insights and analytics will be important to you, helping you maximise reach and engagement across our varied social media channels. You’ll know about current and emerging trends and be able to adapt to reach existing and new audiences.

⏰Closing date: 02/02/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


✨Mae cyfle cyffrous wedi codi i Swyddog Ymgyrchoedd Marchnata Digidol ymuno â'n Tîm Marchnata yng Ngholeg Penybont!

Swyddog Ymgyrchoedd Marchnata Digidol

⏳Llawn Amser a Pharhaol

💷Gradd Gyflog 5/6 : £29,004 - £35,131 y flwyddyn

Pwrpas y Swydd: Gan ddefnyddio eich sgiliau creadigol, byddwch yn cynhyrchu ac yn optimeiddio cynnwys, gan arddangos profiadau a straeon cymuned Coleg Penybont. Bydd monitro mewnwelediadau a dadansoddeg yn bwysig i chi, gan eich helpu i gynyddu cyrhaeddiad ac ymgysylltiad ar draws ein sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol amrywiol. Byddwch yn gwybod am dueddiadau presennol a rhai sy'n dod i'r amlwg ac yn gallu addasu i gyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd presennol a newydd.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 02/02/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

We have an exciting opportunity to join our passionate and enthusiastic team at Bridgend College as an Hourly Paid Lectu...

We have an exciting opportunity to join our passionate and enthusiastic team at Bridgend College as an Hourly Paid Lecturer in Step Up! Step Up brings together an exciting mix of Level 1 vocational pathways into one vibrant and supportive space.

💷Unqualified: £25,371 - £29,942 per annum (pro rata, hourly paid)
Qualified: £32,304 - £49,934 per annum (pro rata, hourly paid)

⏳Please note, this is an hourly paid contract which means that specific days and hours cannot be guaranteed - they are offered on a casual, ad hoc basis to fit the needs of the service and so may vary.

Step Up is a central hub where students have access to a dedicated support team for pastoral care and skills support. Exciting activities take place throughout the year to engage learners and support their core skills development. Here, students can develop their Work-Related Education skills, qualifications in IT, Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy, Care & Childhood Studies, Health & Social Care, Hospitality, Creative Arts or Media.

⏰Closing date: 22/01/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


Mae gennym gyfle cyffrous i chi ymuno â’n tîm angerddol a brwdfrydig yng Ngholeg Penybont fel Darlithydd Camu Ymlaen a delir fesul awr! Mae’r rhaglen Camu Ymlaen yn dod â chyfuniad cyffrous o lwybrau galwedigaethol Lefel 1 at ei gilydd mewn un gofod bywiog a chefnogol.

💷Digymhwyster: £25,371 - £29,7942 y flwyddyn (pro rata, fesul awr)
Cymwysedig: £32,304 - £49,934 y flwyddyn (pro rata, fesul awr)

⏳Sylwch, mae hwn yn gontract fesul awr sy'n golygu na ellir gwarantu dyddiau ac oriau penodol - maent yn cael eu cynnig ar sail achlysurol, ad hac i gyd-fynd ag anghenion y gwasanaeth ac felly gallant amrywio.

Mae Camu Ymlaen yn hyb canolog lle mae myfyrwyr yn cael mynediad i dîm cymorth ymroddedig ar gyfer gofal bugeiliol a chymorth sgiliau. Cynhelir gweithgareddau cyffrous trwy gydol y flwyddyn i ennyn diddordeb dysgwyr a chefnogi datblygiad eu sgiliau craidd. Yma, gall myfyrwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau Addysg Gysylltiedig â Gwaith, cymwysterau mewn TG, Trin Gwallt, Therapi Harddwch, Gofal ac Astudiaethau Plentyndod, Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol neu'r Cyfryngau.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 22/01/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

📢New VacancyStudent Services Advisor⏳Full Time (37 hours per week) and Permanent 💷 Salary Scale 3: £24,425 - £25,773 per...

📢New Vacancy

Student Services Advisor

⏳Full Time (37 hours per week) and Permanent

💷 Salary Scale 3: £24,425 - £25,773 per annum

📍Location: Across Bridgend and Pencoed campuses

What are we looking for?
Ability to deliver a high quality customer focussed service.
Ability to implement administration systems.
Knowledge of Google Suite.
Good interpersonal skills, oral and written communication skills.

If you feel you could contribute to this supportive team, we want to hear from you!

⏰Closing date: 28/01/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


📢Swydd Wag Newydd

Cynghorwr Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr

⏳Llawn Amser (37 awr yr wythnos) a Pharhaol

💷Graddfa Gyflog 3: £24,425 - £25,773 y flwyddyn

📍Ar draws campws Penybont a Phencoed

Beth ydyn ni'n chwilio amdano?
Y gallu i ddarparu gwasanaeth o ansawdd uchel i gwsmeriaid.
Y gallu i weithredu systemau gweinyddu.
Dealltwriaeth o Google Suite.
Sgiliau rhyngbersonol da a chyfathrebu da ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig.

Os ydych yn credu y gallech gyfrannu at y tîm cefnogol hwn, hoffem glywed gennych!

⏰Dyddiad cau: 28/01/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

📢New VacancyLecturer in Animal Care (Maternity cover)⏳0.6 FTE - Part Time (22.2 hours per week). Fixed Term for 1 Year -...

📢New Vacancy

Lecturer in Animal Care (Maternity cover)

⏳0.6 FTE - Part Time (22.2 hours per week). Fixed Term for 1 Year - Maternity Cover

💷Unqualified: £25,371 - £29,942 pro rata
Qualified: £32,304 - £49,934 pro rata

You will ideally be educated to a degree or higher qualification level in a relevant subject area and possess a PGCE Certificate, or be prepared to obtain this. You will have the ability to teach a wide range of both practical and theory topics across a range of levels from Level 1 to Level 5 Animal Studies. Industry experience would be desirable. With excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to relate to a wide and diverse student population you will be passionate about motivating all learners.

⏰Closing date: 22/01/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


📢Swydd Wag Newydd

Darlithydd Gofal Anifeiliaid (dros gyfnod mamolaeth)

⏳0.6 Cyfwerth ag Amser llawn - Rhan Amser (22.2 awr yr wythnos). Cyfnod Penodol am 1 Flwyddyn - dros gyfnod mamolaeth

💷Digymhwyster: £25,371 - £29,942 pro rata
Cymwysedig: £32,304 - £49,934 pro rata

Bydd gan yr ymgeisydd delfrydol wedi derbyn addysg hyd at safon Gradd neu gymhwyster uwch mewn maes pwnc perthnasol ac yn meddu ar Dystysgrif TAR, neu byddwch yn barod i gyflawni hyn. Byddant yn meddu ar y gallu i ddysgu amrywiaeth eang o bynciau ymarferol a damcaniaethol o lefel 1 i 5. Bydd brofiad diwydiannol yn ddelfrydol. Gyda sgiliau rhyngbersonol ardderchog a'r gallu i uniaethu â phoblogaeth eang ac amrywiol o fyfyrwyr byddwch yn frwdfrydig dros gymell pob dysgwr.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 22/01/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

✨Unleash Your Creative PassionWe are looking for a Casual Saturday Club (Creative Media) Trainer at Engage Training!💷 £2...

✨Unleash Your Creative Passion

We are looking for a Casual Saturday Club (Creative Media) Trainer at Engage Training!

💷 £23.50 an hour

We are looking for a passionate and skilled Casual Creative Media Trainer with expertise in digital cinema techniques, camera operation, and green screen technology. If you have a keen eye for editing and a flair for bringing stories to life through film, we want to hear from you!

⏰Closing date: 19/01/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our Engage Training website:


✨Rhyddhewch Eich Angerdd Creadigol

Rydym yn chwilio am Hyfforddwr Clwb Sadwrn Achlysurol (Cyfryngau Creadigol) yn Hyfforddiant Engage!

💷£23.50 yr awr

Rydym yn chwilio am Hyfforddwr Cyfryngau Creadigol Achlysurol angerddol a medrus sydd ag arbenigedd mewn technegau sinema ddigidol, gweithredu camera, a thechnoleg sgrin werdd. Os oes gennych chi lygad craff am olygu a dawn i ddod â straeon yn fyw trwy ffilm, rydyn ni eisiau clywed gennych chi!

⏰Dyddiad cau: 19/01/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan Hyfforddiant Engage:

✨An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Marketing Assistant to join our Marketing Team at Bridgend College!Marketing A...

✨An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Marketing Assistant to join our Marketing Team at Bridgend College!

Marketing Assistant

⏳Full time and Permanent

💷Salary scale 2/3 - £24,425 - £25,773

As a Marketing Assistant, you will support the planning and delivery of a wide range of marketing activities. Your role will include assisting with capturing content and digital activities to support the promotion of the college's courses, services and initiatives. With the responsibility of the marketing team's internal print room, you will produce varied deliverables ensuring an efficient service and an excellent customer experience.

⏰Closing date: 12/01/2024 at 11:59pm

💼Interview date: 21/01/2025

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


✨Mae cyfle cyffrous wedi codi i Gynorthwyydd Marchnata ymuno â'n Tîm Marchnata yng Ngholeg Penybont!

Cynorthwyydd Marchnata

⏳Llawn Amser a Pharhaol

💷Graddfa gyflog 2/3: £24,425 - £25,773 y flwyddyn

Fel Cynorthwyydd Marchnata, byddwch yn cefnogi cynllunio a chyflwyno ystod eang o weithgareddau marchnata. Bydd eich rôl yn cynnwys cynorthwyo gyda chipio cynnwys a gweithgareddau digidol i gefnogi hyrwyddo cyrsiau, gwasanaethau a mentrau’r coleg. Gyda chyfrifoldeb ystafell argraffu fewnol y tîm marchnata, byddwch yn cynhyrchu nwyddau amrywiol y gellir eu cyflawni gan sicrhau gwasanaeth effeithlon a phrofiad cwsmer rhagorol.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 12/01/2024 am 11:59yh

💼Dyddiad Cyfweliad: 21/01/2025

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

🥳Happy New Year! Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!🔎Looking for a new start this year? We have several exciting opportunities at Bridg...

🥳Happy New Year! Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

🔎Looking for a new start this year? We have several exciting opportunities at Bridgend College!

- Social Media and Digital Marketing Executive
- Marketing Assistant
- Countryside Technician
- Catering Assistant
- Cleaner

📲Check out our website:

🔎Chwilio am ddechrau newydd eleni? Mae gennym sawl cyfle cyffrous yng Ngholeg Penybont!

- Swyddog Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol a Marchnata Digidol
- Cynorthwyydd Marchnata
- Technegydd Cefn Gwlad
- Cynorthwyydd Arlwyo
- Glanhawr

📲Edrychwch ar ein gwefan:

✨Unleash Your Creative PassionWe are looking for a Casual Saturday Club (Creative Media) Trainer at Engage Training!💷 £2...

✨Unleash Your Creative Passion

We are looking for a Casual Saturday Club (Creative Media) Trainer at Engage Training!

💷 £23.50 an hour

We are looking for a passionate and skilled Casual Creative Media Trainer with expertise in digital cinema techniques, camera operation, and green screen technology. If you have a keen eye for editing and a flair for bringing stories to life through film, we want to hear from you!

⏰Closing date: 06/01/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our Engage Training website:


✨Rhyddhewch Eich Angerdd Creadigol

Rydym yn chwilio am Hyfforddwr Clwb Sadwrn Achlysurol (Cyfryngau Creadigol) yn Hyfforddiant Engage!

💷£23.50 yr awr

Rydym yn chwilio am Hyfforddwr Cyfryngau Creadigol Achlysurol angerddol a medrus sydd ag arbenigedd mewn technegau sinema ddigidol, gweithredu camera, a thechnoleg sgrin werdd. Os oes gennych chi lygad craff am olygu a dawn i ddod â straeon yn fyw trwy ffilm, rydyn ni eisiau clywed gennych chi!

⏰Dyddiad cau: 06/01/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan Hyfforddiant Engage:


Wellbeing Message | Neges Llesiant

We understand that this time of year can be difficult for so many people for different reasons.

If you need support during this time, or are worried about someone else, please contact:

Call free 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 116 123 or visit

Call 0300 123 3393 (Monday–Friday 9:00-18:00, except bank holidays) or visit


Deallwn bod y cyfnod hon yn un sydd yn gallu bod yn annodd iawn i lawer o bobl am resymau gwahanol.

Os oes angen cymorth arnoch, neu os ydych yn pryderu am rywun arall, cysylltwch â:

Ffoniwch, am ddim, 24 awr y dydd, 365 diwrnod flwyddyn ar 116 123, neu ewch i

Ffoniwch 0300 123 3393 (Llun–Gwener 9:00-18:00, ac eithrio gwyliau banc) neu ewch i


Important message | Neges bwysig

🌟We’re now closed for the festive period. The College will reopen on Monday 6 January.

All calls will be diverted to an answerphone message. The live chat on our website and the enquiries inbox will not be monitored during this period.

Season’s Greetings to you all, enjoy your well deserved break!


🌟 Rydym nawr ar gau am gyfnod y Nadolig. Bydd y Coleg yn ail-agor ddydd Llun 6 Ionawr.

Bydd pob galwad yn cael ei dargyfeirio i neges peiriant ateb. Ni fydd y sgwrs fyw ar ein gwefan a'r mewnflwch ymholiadau yn cael eu monitro yn ystod y cyfnod hwn.

Cyfarchion y Tymor i chi gyd, mwynhewch eich seibiant haeddiannol!

🔍We are on the lookout for Cleaners to join our estates team at Bridgend College!Cleaner⏳2 x posts available: Post A - 2...

🔍We are on the lookout for Cleaners to join our estates team at Bridgend College!


⏳2 x posts available:

Post A - 22.5 hours per week. Monday - Friday, 4:00am - 8:30am / 3:00pm - 7.30pm / 4.00pm-8.30pm at Pencoed Campus

Post B - 15 hours per week. Monday - Friday 5:00am - 8:00am at Bridgend Campus

💷Salary Scale 1: £24,425 pro rata per annum - £12.66 per hour

You will undertake routine cleaning operations on our Campus ensuring that the College is cleaned to a high standard throughout your assigned area. With knowledge of cleaning processes and materials you will have a good standard of education and be able to work with minimum supervision. A flexible team player, you must be able to plan your work effectively.

⏰Closing date: 05/01/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:

🔍Rydym yn chwilio am Glanhawyr i ymuno a thîm ystadau yng Ngholeg Penybont!


⏳2 x swydd ar gael:

Post A - 22.5 awr yr wythnos. Dydd Llun - Dydd Gwener, 4:00yb - 8:30yb / 3:00yp - 7.30yh / 4.00yp-8.30yh ar Gampws Pencoed

Post B - 15 awr yr wythnos. Dydd Llun - Dydd Gwener, 5:00yb - 8:00yb ar Gampws Penybont

💷Graddfa Gyflog 1: £24,425 y flwyddyn (pro-rata) - £12.66 yr awr

Byddwch yn ymgymryd â gweithrediadau glanhau rheolaidd ar ein Campws i sicrhau fod y Coleg wedi’i glanhau i safon uchel o fewn eich adran. Byddwch yn deall y proses o lanhau a bydd gennych safon dda o addysg, ac yn gallu gweithio heb oruchwyliaeth. Mae’r gallu i gynllunio’n effeithiol a gweithio fel rhan o dîm yn angenrheidiol.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 05/01/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

🔍We are on the lookout for a Catering Assistant to join a vibrant and enthusiastic catering team at Bridgend College!Cat...

🔍We are on the lookout for a Catering Assistant to join a vibrant and enthusiastic catering team at Bridgend College!

Catering Assistant

⏳ 27.5 hours per week, term time only and permanent

💷Salary Scale 1: £24,425 pro rata per annum (actual salary will be based on the number of weeks to be worked)

📍Pencoed Campus

You will assist with basic food and drink preparation (including barista coffee), to assist in the maintenance of a clean and safe environment and to serve customers to a high standard.

If you have great customer service skills and like working within catering, we want to hear from you!

⏰Closing date: 06/01/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


🔍Rydym yn chwilio am Gynorthwyydd Arlwyo i ymuno a thîm arlwyo bywiog a brwdfrydig yng Ngholeg Penybont!

Cynorthwyydd Arlwyo

⏳27.5 awr yr wythnos, yn ystod y tymor yn unig a pharhaol

💷Graddfa Gyflog 1: £24,425 pro rata y flwyddyn (bydd y cyflog gwirioneddol yn seiliedig ar nifer yr wythnosau i'w gweithio)

📍Campws Pencoed

Cynorthwyo gyda pharatoi bwyd a diod sylfaenol (gan gynnwys coffi barista), cynorthwyo i gynnal a chadw glanhawramgylchedd diogel ac i wasanaethu cwsmeriaid i safon uchel.

Os oes gennych sgiliau gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid gwych, ac rydych yn mwynhau gweithio yn y maes arlwyo, hoffem glywed gennych!

⏰Dyddiad cau: 06/01/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

✨If you're a whizz with social media and understand how engaging multimedia content can be used in marketing, then this ...

✨If you're a whizz with social media and understand how engaging multimedia content can be used in marketing, then this role may be for you!

Social Media and Digital Marketing Executive

⏳Full time and Permanent

💷Salary scale 5/6 : £29,004 - £35,131 per annum

Job Purpose: Create and manage organic and paid-for content on Bridgend College's main social media channels, ensuring that digital outputs are engaging and align consistently to our strategy and our brand.

You will have experience of writing content for online audiences and experience of creating various content across different social media channels, including photography and video e.g. reels. You will have a degree or equivalent, and excellent written and verbal communications skills through the medium of Welsh are highly desirable. Although social media can be a distinct role, it will be combined with other marketing and communications responsibilities.

⏰Closing date: 05/01/2025 at 11:59pm

💼Interview date: 14/01/2025

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


✨Os ydych chi wedi gwirioni ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac yn deall sut y gellir defnyddio cynnwys amlgyfrwng deniadol mewn marchnata, yna efallai mai’r rôl hon yw’r un i chi!

Swyddog Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol a Marchnata Digidol

⏳Llawn Amser a Pharhaol

💷Gradd Gyflog 5/6 : £29,004 - £35,131 y flwyddyn

Pwrpas y Swydd: Creu a rheoli cynnwys organig y telir amdano ar brif sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol Coleg Penybont, gan sicrhau bod allbynnau digidol yn ddeniadol ac yn yn gyson â’n strategaeth a’n brand.

Bydd gennych brofiad o ysgrifennu a chreu cynnwys dwyieithog ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd ar-lein a profiad o greu cynnwys amrwyiol ar draws gwahanol sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys ffotograffiaeth a fideo e.e. reels. Bydd gennych radd neu gyfwerth, ac mae sgiliau cyfathrebu ysgrifenedig a llafar rhagorol trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn ddymunol iawn. Er y gall y cyfryngau cymdeithasol fod yn rôl unigryw, bydd yn cael ei chyfuno â chyfrifoldebau marchnata a chyfathrebu eraill.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 05/01/2025 am 11:59yh

💼Dyddiad Cyfweliad: 14/01/2025

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:

📢New VacancyCountryside Technician ⏳20 hours per week, Term-Time Only (36.6 weeks per year) and Fixed Term until 31st Au...

📢New Vacancy

Countryside Technician

⏳20 hours per week, Term-Time Only (36.6 weeks per year) and Fixed Term until 31st August 2025

💷 Salary Scale 3: £24,425 - £25,773 pro rata per annum (actual salary will be based on the number of weeks to be worked)

Job Purpose: To perform general Countryside and Agriculture duties and the maintenance/preparation of practical equipment.

The ideal candidate will have good knowledge and experience of general countryside management and agriculture and hold a Level 3 or above qualification in Environmental Conservation, Agriculture or a related subject. You will also have experience of practical conservation skills such as fencing, hedge laying and boundary management.

⏰Closing date: 05/01/2025 at 11:59pm

📲For more information and to apply online, please visit our website:


📢Swydd Wag Newydd

Technegydd Cefn Gwlad

⏳20 awr yr wythnos, yn ystod y tymor yn unig (36.6 wythnos y flwyddyn) a Chyfnod Penodol hyd at 31ain Awst 2025

💷Graddfa Gyflog 3: £24,425 - £25,773 pro rata y flwyddyn (bydd y cyflog gwirioneddol yn seiliedig ar nifer yr wythnosau i'w gweithio)

Pwrpas y swydd: Cyflawni dyletswyddau Cefn Gwlad ac Amaethyddiaeth gyffredinol a chynnal a chadw/paratoi offer ymarferol.

Bydd gan yr ymgeisydd delfrydol gwybodaeth a phrofiad da o reoli cefn gwlad ac amaethyddiaeth yn gyffredinol a chymhwyster Lefel 3 neu uwch mewn Cadwraeth Amgylcheddol, Amaethyddiaeth neu bwnc cysylltiedig. Byddwch hefyd yn meddu ar brofiad o sgiliau cadwraeth ymarferol megis ffensio, plygu perthi a rheoli ffiniau.

⏰Dyddiad cau: 05/01/2025 am 11:59yh

📲Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i ymgeisio ar lein, ewch i'n gwefan:


Cowbridge Road

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 4:30pm


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We are a Further Education College recently awarded TES College of the year 2019 as well as Double excellent by Estyn. We are proud to call ourselves an award winning college and over the last few years we have won many awards – as learners, staff and our college as a whole.

Located across the Bridgend, Pencoed, Maesteg and Cardiff, the many of our campuses offer easy access from the M4.

We offer learning right through from entry level to Higher Education and work in partnership with top universities and over 200 employers.