Coleg Penybont - Bridgend College

Coleg Penybont - Bridgend College Croeso i Dudalen Swyddogol Coleg Penybont. |
Welcome to Bridgend College's Official Page.

Bridgend College is officially a 'Double Excellent' Further Education College and is proud of its commitment and reputation of providing outstanding education and training to more than 12,000 students each year. This award-winning College delivers full and part-time courses in a wide range of vocational areas, across four campuses as well as apprenticeship programmes. We are also an established pr

ovider of Higher Education courses, with over 800 students completing HNC, HND and Degree courses locally at Bridgend College each year. They work in partnerships with University of South Wales & Cardiff Metropolitan University.


Mae Coleg Penybont yn swyddogol yn Goleg Addysg Bellach 'Dwbl Ardderchog' ac mae'n falch o'i ymrwymiad a'i enw da o ddarparu addysg a hyfforddiant rhagorol i fwy na 12,000 o fyfyrwyr bob blwyddyn. Mae’r Coleg arobryn hwn yn cyflwyno cyrsiau amser llawn a rhan-amser mewn ystod eang o feysydd galwedigaethol, ar draws pedwar campws yn ogystal â rhaglenni prentisiaeth. Rydym hefyd yn ddarparwr cyrsiau Addysg Uwch sefydledig, gyda dros 800 o fyfyrwyr yn cwblhau cyrsiau HNC, HND a Gradd yn lleol yng Ngholeg Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr bob blwyddyn. Maent yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol De Cymru a Phrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd.

🌟 It was a pleasure to welcome Huw Irranca-Davies MS/AS to our Persimmon training academy today to speak with some of ou...

🌟 It was a pleasure to welcome Huw Irranca-Davies MS/AS to our Persimmon training academy today to speak with some of our bricklaying apprentices. As part of a new pilot programme, our current apprentices are helping to train the next generation of learners, with our Junior Apprentices and students from Brynteg School onsite today.

💼 Joining us at the event was the Construction Industry Training Board CITB who are emphasising the importance of apprenticeships in improving career routes and economic growth in local areas.

Find out more about apprenticeship opportunities at (link in bio) 🌐
🌟 Roedd yn bleser croesawu Huw Irranca-Davies AS i’n hacademi hyfforddi heddiw i siarad â rhai o’n prentisiaid gosod brics. Fel rhan o raglen beilot newydd, mae ein prentisiaid presennol yn helpu i hyfforddi’r genhedlaeth nesaf o ddysgwyr, gyda’n Prentisiaid Iau a myfyrwyr o Ysgol Brynteg ar y safle heddiw.

💼 Yn ymuno â ni yn y digwyddiad roedd Bwrdd Hyfforddi’r Diwydiant Adeiladu, sy’n pwysleisio pwysigrwydd prentisiaethau i wella llwybrau gyrfa a thwf economaidd mewn ardaloedd lleol.

Dysgwch fwy am gyfleoedd prentisiaethau yng (dolen yn ein proffil) 🌐


Can you feel that? It must be love! 💌
Allwch chi deimlo hynny? Rhaid iddo fod yn gariad! 💌

❤️Happy Valentine’s Day! | ❤️Dydd Sant Ffolant Hapus!

❤️Happy Valentine’s Day! | ❤️Dydd Sant Ffolant Hapus!


Apprenticeship Week Wales | Wythnos Prentisiaethau Cymru

Ian was led by a member of staff, Gwynfor, who knew he could offer more to his employer. Due to his apprenticeship, Gwynfor was able to learn on the job, bringing valuable skills to his organisation! 🌿

If you want to become an apprentice which includes a professional qualification and on-the-job training, find out more today! 💪
Roedd Ian yn cael ei arwain gan aelod o staff, Gwynfor, a oedd yn gwybod y gallai gynnig mwy i’w gyflogwr. Oherwydd ei brentisiaeth, roedd Gwynfor yn gallu dysgu wrth wneud y rôl, gan ddod â sgiliau gwerthfawr i’w sefydliad! 🌿

Os ydych chi eisiau bod yn brentis sy'n cynnwys cymhwyster proffesiynol a hyfforddiant yn y gweithle, darganfyddwch fwy heddiw! 💪


National Apprenticeships Week | Wythnos Genedlaethol Prentisiaethau

👉If you’re interested in becoming an apprentice, or you’re a business which want to explore apprenticeship opportunities, our fully-funded programmes include professional qualifications and on-the-job training in a range of sectors.

Taylor Wimpey
Find out more today: (link in bio)


👉Os ydych eisiau bod yn brentis, neu’n fusnes sydd eisiau archwilio cyfleoedd prentisiaethau, mae ein rhaglenni a ariennir yn llawn yn cynnwys cymwysterau proffesiynol a hyfforddiant yn y gwaith mewn nifer o sectorau.

Darganfyddwch mwy heddiw: (dolen yn ein proffil)

😁Campus Tours | Teithiau CampwsHave you booked your ticket yet?🗓️Wednesday, 19 February⌚3.15pm and 4.15pm 👀You can speak...

😁Campus Tours | Teithiau Campws

Have you booked your ticket yet?

🗓️Wednesday, 19 February
⌚3.15pm and 4.15pm

👀You can speak to your tutors whilst visiting our fantastic facilities!

Find out more and book now:
🔎Ydych chi wedi archebu eich tocyn eto?

🗓️Dydd Mercher, 19 Chwefror
⌚3.15yp and 4.15yp

Gallwch siarad â’ch tiwtoriaid wrth weld ein cyfleusterau gwych!

Darganfyddwch fwy ac archebwch nawr:


Apprenticeship Week Wales | Wythnos Prentisiaethau Cymru

👫 “The part I enjoyed most was really being able to embed my learning in the practical sense. I would learn things in college, and then I would actually be able to apply that in my role - that was really rewarding because I could see my development” 📈

Lucy started her career as an apprentice within our HR team and is now a HR Lead. Are you looking to develop your skills in a practical work environment like Lucy? 💡

Find out more:
👫 ”Y rhan a fwynheais fwyaf oedd gallu rhoi fy nysgu ar waith. Roeddwn i'n dysgu pethau yn y coleg, ac yna gallwn i gymhwyso hynny yn fy rôl - roedd hynny'n rhoi boddhad mawr i mi oherwydd roeddwn i'n gallu gweld fy natblygiad" 📈

Dechreuodd Lucy ei gyrfa fel prentis yn ein tîm AD ac mae hi bellach yn Arweinydd AD. Ydych chi am ddatblygu eich sgiliau mewn amgylchedd gwaith ymarferol fel Lucy? 💡

Darganfyddwch fwy:


Campus Tours | Teithiau Campws

🏫Are you joining us for our next Campus Tour?

You’ll get a close-up look at the facilities and specialist spaces you’ll be using throughout your studies, chat to your tutors and meet our fantastic Student Support Teams too!

📆 Wednesday, 19 February
📍Bridgend and Pencoed Campus
⌚3.15pm and 4.15pm

Book today:
🏫 Ydych chi'n ymuno â ni ar gyfer ein Taith Campws nesaf?

Byddwch yn cael golwg agos ar y cyfleusterau a’r gofodau arbenigol y byddwch yn eu defnyddio drwy gydol eich astudiaethau, sgwrsio â’ch tiwtoriaid a chwrdd â’n Timau Cymorth Myfyrwyr gwych hefyd!

📆 Dydd Mercher, 19 Chwefror
📍Campysau Penybont a Phencoed
⌚3.15yp and 4.15yp

Archebwch heddiw:

Prentisiaethau Cymru / Apprenticeships CymruWe're proud to support Apprenticeship Week Wales 2025! Become an apprentice ...

Prentisiaethau Cymru / Apprenticeships Cymru

We're proud to support Apprenticeship Week Wales 2025!

Become an apprentice via our fully-funded programmes which include professional qualifications and on-the-job training. You will be equipped with the relevant skills and knowledge required to progress in your chosen career pathway.

👉Find out more about our work based learning opportunities: (link in bio)


Rydyn ni’n falch o gefnogi Wythnos Prentisiaethau Cymru 2025!

Dewch yn brentis trwy ein rhaglenni a ariennir yn llawn sy'n cynnwys cymwysterau proffesiynol a hyfforddiant yn y gwaith. Byddwch yn meddu ar y sgiliau, y wybodaeth a'r ymddygiadau perthnasol sydd eu hangen i ddatblygu yn eich gyrfa dewisol.

👉Gwelwch mwy am ein cyfleoedd: (dolen yn ein proffil)

😁Campus Tours | Teithiau CampwsHave you booked your ticket yet?🗓️Wednesday, 19 February⌚3.15pm and 4.15pm 👀You can speak...

😁Campus Tours | Teithiau Campws

Have you booked your ticket yet?

🗓️Wednesday, 19 February
⌚3.15pm and 4.15pm

👀You can speak to your tutors whilst visiting our fantastic facilities!

Find out more and book now:


🔎Ydych chi wedi archebu eich tocyn eto?

🗓️Dydd Mercher, 19 Chwefror
⌚3.15yp and 4.15yp

Gallwch siarad â’ch tiwtoriaid wrth weld ein cyfleusterau gwych!

Darganfyddwch fwy ac archebwch nawr:

Higher education courses | Cyrsiau Addysg Uwch🎓Did you know that you can study at University level with us?Here’s why yo...

Higher education courses | Cyrsiau Addysg Uwch

🎓Did you know that you can study at University level with us?

Here’s why you should study locally with us:

- Competitive course fees

- Smaller class sizes

- Flexible delivery

- Plenty of support

Explore how we can support you reach your goal:


Instagram + Facebook + Linkedin

🎓Oeddech chi'n gwybod y gallwch chi astudio ar lefel Prifysgol gyda ni?

Dyma pam y dylech chi:

- Ffioedd cwrs cystadleuol

- Dosbarthiadau llai o faint

- Darpariaeth hyblyg

- Digon o gymorth

Archwiliwch sut y gallwn eich cefnogi i gyrraedd eich nod:


Welsh Language Music Day | Dydd Miwsig Cymru

Today is Welsh Language Music Day where we celebrate all forms of Welsh Language Music. 🎧

Whether you’re into indie, rock, punk, funk, folk, electronica, hip hop or anything else, there’s incredible music being made in the Welsh language for you to discover. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

To celebrate and promote the Welsh Language why not join us in listening to one of the specially curated playlists.🎙️

Heddiw yw Dydd Miwsig Cymru lle rydym yn dathlu pob math o gerddoriaeth Gymraeg. 🎧

P’un a ydych chi’n hoffi cerddoriaeth indi, roc, pync, ffync, gwerin, electronica, hip hop neu unrhyw beth arall, mae cerddoriaeth anhygoel yn cael ei chreu yn y Gymraeg i chi ei ddarganfod. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

I ddathlu a hybu’r Gymraeg beth am ymuno â ni i wrando ar un o’r rhestrau chwarae sydd wedi’u creu’n arbennig.🎙️

💡 Student spotlight | Taflu'r goleuni ar fyfyrwyrCongratulations to our student Bethan, who came runner up in the Learne...

💡 Student spotlight | Taflu'r goleuni ar fyfyrwyr

Congratulations to our student Bethan, who came runner up in the Learner of the Year Category (21 and over) at the Lantra Land-based and Environment Learner Awards! 🌟

Bethan completed her apprenticeship with us and is now studying our HNC in Environmental Conservation Management alongside her role as Biodiversity Officer for a local council. Bethan is also heavily involved in maintaining local nature sites and promotes biodiversity to the public through the 'Living Landscapes' project. 🥾

Llongyfarchiadau Bethan - a thoroughly deserved award!
Llongyfarchiadau i’n myfyrwraig Bethan, a ddaeth yn ail yng Nghategori Dysgwr y Flwyddyn (21 oed a hŷn) yng Ngwobrau Dysgwyr Astudiaethau Tir ac Amgylcheddol Lantra! 🌟

Cwblhaodd Bethan ei phrentisiaeth gyda ni ac mae hi bellach yn astudio ein HNC mewn Rheoli Cadwraeth Amgylcheddol ochr yn ochr â’i rôl fel Swyddog Bioamrywiaeth i gyngor lleol. Mae Bethan hefyd yn chwarae rhan fawr mewn cynnal safleoedd natur lleol ac yn hyrwyddo bioamrywiaeth i'r cyhoedd trwy'r prosiect 'Tirweddau Byw'.🥾

Llongyfarchiadau Bethan - gwobr haeddiannol iawn!


Partner collaboration | Cydweithrediad partner

📣 “as we know, clothes maketh man. If you look good, you feel good.” These are the words of our Entrepreneurship Officer Ruth as she talks about our newly formed collaboration with Working Wardrobe

This partnership allows any student who is carrying out a work placement or heading for an interview to come and access FREE smart clothing with brands such as Calvin Klein, Rees, Oliver Bonas and Moss Bros. 🛍️

✅ So if you want to walk the walk come and see us in the Y Siop (Cowbridge Rd Campus)

📣 “fel y gwyddom, mae dillad yn gwneud argraff. Os ydych chi'n edrych yn dda, rydych chi'n teimlo'n dda.” Dyma eiriau ein Swyddog Entrepreneuriaeth, Ruth wrth iddi sôn am ein cydweithrediad newydd gyda Working Wardrobe

Mae'r bartneriaeth hon yn caniatáu i unrhyw fyfyriwr sy'n gwneud lleoliad gwaith neu'n mynd i gyfweliad ddod i gael mynediad at ddillad proffesiynol AM DDIM gyda brandiau fel Calvin Klein, Rees, Oliver Bonas a Moss Bros. 🛍️

✅ Felly os ydych am fanteisio ar hyn, dewch i’n gweld ni yn Y Siop (Campws Heol y Bont-faen)

Town Centre Campus | Campws Canol y Dref 🏢Are you interested in a career in construction? As part of ‘Open Doors’, an in...

Town Centre Campus | Campws Canol y Dref 🏢

Are you interested in a career in construction? As part of ‘Open Doors’, an initiative that showcases the range of careers available in the construction industry, Willmott Dixon will give you an overview of our Town Centre Campus project before putting on PPE to look around the site and see current operations.

🗓️ Wednesday 19 - Saturday 22 March
⌚ 10am daily

Places are limited so book your place today:

Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn gyrfa yn adeiladwaith? Fel rhan o fenter ‘Drysau Agored’, sy’n arddangos yr amrywiaeth o yrfaoedd sydd ar gael yn y diwydiant adeiladwaith, bydd Willmott Dixon yn rhoi trosolwg i chi o’n prosiect Campws Canol y Dref cyn gwisgo Cyfarpar Diogelu Personol i edrych o amgylch y safle a gweld y gweithrediadau presennol.

🗓️ Dydd Mercher 19 - Dydd Sadwrn 22 Mawrth
⌚ 10am bob dydd

Mae lleoedd yn gyfyngedig felly archebwch eich lle heddiw:

Green academy courses  | Cyrsiau academi gwyrdd💚  We want to equip our students with skills that future-proof their empl...

Green academy courses | Cyrsiau academi gwyrdd

💚 We want to equip our students with skills that future-proof their employment prospects in a rapidly evolving green economy.

The number of roles and career opportunities in this field are varied, which is reflected in our courses that have net zero, sustainability and environmental management integrated into them. We have a range of courses available as part of our Sustainable Futures Green Academy to help you positively contribute to a more sustainable future.

If you’d like to explore these courses, come along to our next open event on 3 April.

👉 Visit:

💚 Rydym am roi'r sgiliau i'n myfyrwyr sy'n diogelu eu rhagolygon cyflogaeth ar gyfer y dyfodol mewn economi werdd sy'n datblygu'n gyflym.

Mae nifer y rolau a chyfleoedd gyrfa yn y maes hwn yn amrywiol, a adlewyrchir yn ein cyrsiau sydd â sero net, cynaliadwyedd a rheolaeth amgylcheddol wedi'u hintegreiddio iddynt. Mae gennym amrywiaeth o gyrsiau ar gael fel rhan o’n Hacademi Werdd Dyfodol Cynaliadwy i’ch helpu i gyfrannu’n gadarnhaol at ddyfodol mwy cynaliadwy.

Os hoffech chi archwilio’r cyrsiau hyn, dewch i’n digwyddiad agored nesaf ar 3 Ebrill.

👉 Gwelwch:


😁Campus Tours | Teithiau Campws

Have you booked your ticket yet?

🗓️Wednesday, 19 February
⌚3.15pm and 4.15pm

👀This is a great opportunity to speak to your tutors, see our amazing facilities and find out more about the courses we offer.

Find out more and book now:


🔎Ydych chi wedi archebu eich tocyn eto?

🗓️Dydd Mercher, 19 Chwefror
⌚3.15yp and 4.15yp

Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i siarad â’ch tiwtoriaid, gweld ein cyfleusterau anhygoel a darganfod mwy am y cyrsiau rydym yn eu cynnig.

Darganfyddwch fwy ac archebwch nawr:


Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneuriaeth 🤩

Ruth, our amazing Entrepreneurship Officer, may not know how to fix your brakes, but she sure does know how to start a business! 💪

Do you want to go freelance or want some support with your business idea? 💼

Ruth is only an email away: [email protected] 📨


Efallai nad yw Ruth, ein Swyddog Entrepreneuriaeth anhygoel, yn gwybod sut i drwisio’ch breciau, ond mae hi’n sicr yn gwybod sut i ddechrau busnes! 💪

Ydych chi eisiau mynd yn llawrydd newu eisiau cefnogaeth gyda’ch syniad busnes? 💼

Dim ond e-bost i fwrdd yw Ruth: [email protected] 📨


Cowbridge Road

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 9pm
Tuesday 8am - 9pm
Wednesday 8am - 9pm
Thursday 8am - 9pm
Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm


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Our Story

Bridgend College is officially the 2019 FE College of the Year and is a 'Double Excellent' according to Estyn, Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales. Bridgend College is proud of its commitment and reputation of providing outstanding education and training to more than 12,000 students each year. This award-winning College delivers full and part-time courses in a wide range of vocational areas, across four campuses as well as apprenticeship programmes. We are also an established provider of Higher Education courses, with over 800 students completing HNC, HND and Degree courses locally at Bridgend College each year. They work in partnerships with University of South Wales & Cardiff Metropolitan University.