Reflective writing skills can form an essential part of your personal and professional development.
We are offering this free session tomorrow. Please dress appropriately. The weather continues to be unpredictable.
As well as our helpful 1:1 appointments, available online or in-person btw, SLAS is offering a range of events aimed at our post-grad students who continue their study programmes across the summer.
You can book your place via our web pages.
make an appointment with us.
SLAS advisers are here to listen and make suggestions about how you can move forward with your post-graduate studies.
Visit our homepage and book an appt today.
Talking things through with one of our friendly advisers will help you decide how best to move forward with your studies.
We're here for you.
Monday - Friday.
If you're super-shy, why not visit our web pages to check out the range of resources there? Easy.
There's more to successful study than reading books, opening websites and writing assignments.
Why not make a healthy meal with a friend, or make friends with a healthy meal?
Once you create a revision timetable, you can stop worrying about your revision and actually start doing it.
If you need some help completing a study planner, just make a 1:1 appt with us and we'll guide you through the process. What could be easier?
The SLAS offices are open all through the Easter holidays. However, you might be off campus and prefer to interact online. No problem, just make an appt via the SLAS homepage and connect with one of our advisers, Medway or Canterbury, in person or on Teams.
Tomorrow, we have Using AI legitimately (avoiding plagiarism) at 13:00 in SIBLT3, repeated on Teams at 15:00
Also tomorrow, Good academic practice, avoiding plagiarism, at 14:00 in UELTSR.
Get some guidance on the most effective research strategies to help you ace those assignments. Come along to today's SLAS workshops. They're absolutely free and contain no artificial additives or flavourings.
Try to make some time this weekend to recuperate from your busy schedule. You will be more effective in your studies if you rest up and relax. Academic research has proved it. And talking of research, our workshop in Monday will help you get started on your next assignment. But first... the weekend
Why not do something different on leap year day? This time next leap year, you won't even be at Kent, so join us today, February 29, 2024, and enjoy your creative side.
Don't be intimidated by critical thinking. You're already doing it. What you need to show is the evidence of it in your assignment.
Come along today, in person or online. We're here for you.
And look out for Play Space tomorrow...
The fluency of your narrative will be determined by the structure of your paragraphs. This session will show you how to make the most of these under-sung elements of literal discourse.
In-person or online, the choice is yours.
You've worked hard all week, so polish up that halo and promise yourself a couple of treats this weekend.
Catch up with a friend you haven't spoken to for ages.
Take a walk in the woodlands around campus.
Have something delicious to eat.
See you on Monday.
Once you know what you want to say, it's much easier to say it.
Today's workshop will provide some easy-to-use strategies to build your confidence when opening and closing your written work.
There is rather a lot of writing involved in doing any university degree.
And there is a substantial amount of reading involved before you even put pen to paper, or digit to qwerty.
Today's workshops will help either way.
More super-helpful sessions for you today.
Free and fabulous. Don't miss out.
Good morning. We hope you had a good weekend.
Now it's time to wake-up shake-up and think about your next steps to success. This event on researching your dissertation could be just the tonic you need.
The weekend is here, so you can change gear, take a walk, do a few of those things that you've been meaning to do.
But if your dissertation is up ahead, then this workshop is for you.