We let GenZ write our marketing script
We let Gen Z write our marketing script…. thoughts?
SURP Physics.mp4
What does student research look like at SUNY Poly? Senior Seth Walther talks about his summer research with Assistant Professor of Physics Dr. Shing Chi Leung #sunypoly #physics #polytechnic #studentresearch
Watching the clouds roll by and waiting for our new Wildcats to arrive on campus. 1️⃣3️⃣ days 🐾#sunypoly
E-Human Powered Vehicle
In April, the e-Human Powered Vehicle team traveled to Lynchburg, VA, to participate in ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) e-Human Powered Vehicle Challenge (e-HPVC). e-HPVC is an engineering design and innovation competition that gives students the opportunity to network and apply engineering principles through the design, fabrication, and racing of human powered vehicles. #sunypoly #mechanicalengineering #engineering
Spectrum New SUNY Poly Transportation and Artificial Intelligence Lab
How can #AI impact transportation in the future? Assistant Professor of Transportation Engineering Dr. Abolfazl Karimpour recently spoke with Spectrum News 1 Central New York/S Tier about the university's Transportation Research and Artificial Intelligence Lab (TRAIL) and his ongoing research. #sunypoly #polytechnic #artificialintelligence #engineering #transportation #research
Study abroad: Raj Bala Chaudhary
Have you ever thought about studying abroad? EOP Ambassador and recent Alumnae Raj Bala Chaudhary had the opportunity to participate in a short-term study abroad experience at Kings College in London. Learn more about Raj's SUNY Poly experience at https://bit.ly/3z2K3mM #sunypoly #studyabroad #polytechnic #collegelife #kingscollege
NYSID Screw Counting Machine
Three senior SUNY Poly Mechanical Engineering students competed in the NYSID, Purchasing That Powers Employment CREATE Symposium in Albany this spring. Here's an inside look into their prototype, "The Screw Counting Machine," which was produced in partnership with The Arc, Oneida-Lewis. #sunypoly #HumanitarianEngineering #polytechnic
Kelberman Center's Walk for Autism
SUNY Poly was proud to host Kelberman's Walk for Autism this past Saturday. Over 800 community members joined in the walk at the Wildcat Field House,and had the opportunity to meet with community organizations, businesses, and vendors during the first ever Inclusion Fair. #sunypoly #KelbermanW4A
Men's Lacrosse NCAA tournament
The SUNY Poly community gathered this morning to send off our Men's Lacrosse team as they head to West Hartford, CT, to take on the Saint Joseph Bluejays in the first round of the NCAA tournament. Good luck, Wildcats! #LetsGoWildcats #sunypoly #ncaa #lacrosse
It was great to see so many accepted students on campus today! Welcome to #SUNYPoly! #uticany #premierpolytechnic #polytechnic #suny
Mascot Madness Round 2_Promo
Calling all SUNY Mascots and friends! Walter needs your help! Whether you're out of the mascot tournament after a valiant effort or still on the road to the championship game, we can all agree that we don't want to see a #threepeat by Stony Brook's Wolfie the Seawolf. Vote for Walter by 3 pm today and help him make it to round 3! Vote here: https://bit.ly/3THksb1 #sunypoly #justforfun #MascotMadness
Pi Day Timelapse Laser Cutter
Happy Pi Day, Wildcats! Thanks to our friends at the Center for Global Advanced Manufacturing (CGAM) for giving us some time on the laser cutter. https://bit.ly/48Ujsob #sunypoly #piday #pieday2024 #polytechnic