We try to make our lectures as interactive as possible. Dr. Mohamed gave a great talk today about SA and AV nodal dysfunction. A demonstration of AV nodal & infranodal blocks helped cement the concept. #wmed #emergencymedicine #residency #education
Thank you to our own Dr. Mohammed for the great lecture on bradycardia today! Here is a demo to teach us why atropine may not be ideal for someone with bradycardia due to high grade AV block. We also reviewed many different etiologies for bradycardia and discussed other options in our arsenal to help take care of these patients.
(No residents or students were injured in the production of this video.😂)
#emergencymedicine #emresidency #ems #didactics #resident #intern #ekg #residency #match2024 #emergencymedicineresident
A student reflecting on her WMed Yellowstone elective. #wmedem #wmed #emresidents #medstudent #medschoollife #residentlife #emresidency #EMS #emstraining
Welcome to our wilderness medicine series! Over the next several days we will share snapshots of our Annual Summer Wilderness Medicine day. Today’s snapshot…our EM residents and students are practicing their SALT triage skills at a mock MCI scene (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8N3S6He/) #wmed #emergencymedicine #residency #ems #triage #disasterpreparedness
We ❤️ working with both our program and community attendings! Each one brings something different to the table to learn from. We get a lot of opportunity to grow under their support.
#emresident #emresidency #residency #attending #intern #em #emergencymedicine
Our residents spend two years on the West Michigan Air Care Team, regularly providing life saving care throughout Southwest Michigan. VSLO still open students! Apply today! #wmedem #wmed #westmichiganaircare #westmichigan #ems #emstraining
SIM Wars 2023! Congrats to this year’s winners from Trinity Health Muskegon! 10 teams from EM residency programs all over the state competed for this honor! They all faced five challenging simulated emergencies and Trinity Health Muskegon and CMU and made it to the finals and took first and second place. Well done everyone! #simwars #simulationmedicine #wmedem #wmed #emram #mcep
Our WMed students, ems resident/fellow/faculty providing medical coverage at the Kalamazoo Marathon!
We love Airway days at WMed EM! We practice procedures and simulate cases from The Difficult Airway Course Residency Edition twice yearly.
Between this and their real world experience, our residents graduate ready to help any patient with a challenging airway that comes their way! #wmedem #wmed #EMResidents #difficultairway #simulationmedicine #residentlife
EMS Day 2022
EMS Day 2022 is in the books!
Every year, Wmed EM residents and students, and EMS fellows and faculty spend the day at the Kalamazoo Regional Fire Training Center practicing at EMS skills stations like In-car Airway, Traumatic Arrest, Repelling & Water Rescue! 🚑 #wmedem #wmed #emstraining #medicalfirstresponders
MedicalMonday: Holy Kidney Bean!
#MedicalMonday: Holy Kidney Bean!
Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited disorder where clusters of non-cancerous cysts of varying sizes develop within the kidney causing them to enlarge and lose function over time. Complications include hypertension, chronic pain, hematuria, frequent infections, and formation of cysts elsewhere including liver and brain aneurysms. Most people end up on dialysis in the 40-50's. Dietary modification and blood pressure control are mainstays of therapy, but are not curative. Kidney transplant is an option.