See yourself in DZ 🪞✨ For today’s why wednesday we have pc 23’ .krabel & sharing a little bit about why they chose delta zeta 💌
Isabel - “I was never the type to see myself in a sorority and was never sure if it was meant for me. I ended up meeting some girls in Delta Zeta and I was completely shocked by the comfort and sense of community I felt with the girls. I decided to go to an event and immediately fell in love with the sisterhood and found my forever home.”
Jadyn - “going into college i didn’t have any intentions of joining a sorority. but, after meeting a few dz girls i instantly knew that i had found my forever sisters. everyone was so genuine, welcoming, supportive and i immediately knew i wanted to be apart of this amazing group of girls. i have met some of my life long best friends through delta zeta and my future bridesmaids. i am so grateful i decided to jump out of my comfort zone and give greek life a chance. i am so lucky to call these ladies my sisters and i can’t wait to see what this year will hold!!”