We are Excited to Announce the upcoming Orientation for the GMACPAO San Simon National Council (Police Auxiliary) If you are Passionate about making our Community safer and want to Actively contribute to fighting Crime, This is your chance to Join us!
During the Orientation, You will Learn about the Mission and Objectives of the GMACPAO. We will discuss Various Crime Prevention Strategies, Community Engagement Initiatives, and ways to Collaborate with Local Law Enforcement Agencies.
By Joining the GMACPAO, You will have the Opportunity to make a real Difference in our Community. Together, We can Create a safer Environment for Everyone to Live, Work, and Thrive.
Don't miss out on this Chance to be a part of something meaningful. Spread the word and Invite your Friends, Family, and Neighbors who are willing to contribute to the fight Against Crime in San Simon, Pampanga
For more Information, Feel free to reach out to us at this FB PAGE
Let's stand United Against Crime and build a Stronger, safer San Simon Council!