The Personal Assistance Project: How do young disabled adults choose the right PA for them?
A study led by researchers at Northumbria University will document and analyse the experiences of young disabled adults who employ Personal Assistants to help with their care and support needs.
With the aim of helping to improve adult social care outcomes in England, the study project will work with young disabled adults (aged 18-30) to learn more about their decisions and experiences of self-directed support.
The study will look at the experiences of young disabled people with different #genders and #sexualities to find out about what works for them.
There are multiple ways to take part, including being interviewed about your experiences, or completing a journal which you can fill in at home.
If you’d like to take part you must be:
• aged between 18 and 30,
• live in England,
• and have about 6 months experience of managing your support arrangements.
You do not have to have a PA right now. It doesn’t matter what your gender or sexuality is.
Find out more in this recruitment video for the study. Findings will be used to develop resources for use by PAs, young disabled adults, and social care organisations. All participants will receive a £20 gift voucher for taking part.
For more information please contact Ned Coleman-Fountain by email [email protected], text message or Whatsapp on 07838664356, or visit
The study is funded by the National Institute of Health Research School for Social Care Research.
#lgbtqia #sexuality #lgbt #care #DisabilityPride #queer #QueerPride #DisabilityRights #SocialCare #lgbtq #IdentityMatters #disability #DisabilityInclusion #Gender #HumanSexuality #genderequality #inclusionanddiversity #inclusion
The Support, Genders, and Sexualities Project
The Support, Genders, and Sexualities Project is a research study funded by the NIHR School for Social Care.
It is led by researchers at Northumbria University Social Sciences Department
The project is looking to speak to young disabled adults:
- age 18-30
- who live in England
- and have experience of deciding their own support arrangements.
The project asks how young disabled adults (aged 18-30) who work with, employ, or manage personal assistants (PAs) make decisions around their support arrangements.
It asks to what extent identities of gender or sexuality matter for those decisions.
The project asks this question because gender and sexuality play an important part in people’s personal and intimate lives.
Watch our video to find out more.
Visit our website:
Or, you can contact the research team in the following ways:
- Email: [email protected]
- WhatsApp: 07838664356
Art by Jem Clancy. Film by Beacon Films CIC
#SocialCare #care #disability #DisabilityRights #DisabilityInclusion #DisabilityPride #disabilityrights #sexuality #HumanSexuality #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #lgbt🌈 #queer #QueerPride