Want to spend your summer volunteering in Fiji?
Come along to our International Short Programme Fair on Wednesday 5th February to find out how YOU can spend your summer on a partially funded programme abroad! ✈️
Click the link in our bio to register for the event and view the information sessions 🔗
#StudyAbroad #StudyAbroad2025 #IAmNorthumbria #NorthumbriaUniversity
Some bits from my time at FAU #studyabroad #fau #semesterabroad #northumbriauniversity
This is the walk from parliament hall to the dining hall at FAU. Parliament hall is one of the further accommodations away but it still is only a 10 minute walk #studyabroad #florida
Here are some highlights from my time in Canada so far. I’ve had an amazing experience, meeting so many people from across the world who without this opportunity I would never have met and experiencing events that were incredible
Getting the opportunity to visit places I never thought I’d visit such as Niagara Falls have been a highlight as well as experiencing Halloween the Canadian way (which is better than the uk I will say).
I didn’t think this experience would’ve had as big of an impact as it has, I’ve grown so much independence and confidence in myself and have made friends for life.
#studyabroad #iamnorthumbria #northumbriauniversity #semesterabroad #yorkuniversitycanada #canada #toronto