Newcastle University, Philosophy

Newcastle University, Philosophy This is the official page for the Philosophy Department at Newcastle University, Newcastle Newcastle University, Philosophy

IRC Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at University College DublinThe Irish Research Council o...

IRC Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at University College Dublin

The Irish Research Council offers fully funded Postdoctoral Fellowships at higher education institutions in Ireland. They are open to applicants from all countries for or one or two years of research. To be eligible applicants must have normally been awarded their doctoral degree within the five-year period before 31 May 2025 (please see call document for further details).

The School of Philosophy at University College Dublin welcomes applications under the IRC Fellowship scheme on a wide range of topics in philosophy. The School has research strengths in areas including, but not restricted to, Contemporary European (Continental) Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion and Cognitive Science. We offer a lively culture of collaborative research activity, with invited speaker seminars, international conferences, and thematic workshops. In recent years, we have been very successful at attracting and hosting IRC and other Postdoctoral Fellowships. Potential applicants are encouraged to approach a faculty member at UCD in their area of research with a request to act as their Academic Mentor for the IRC application. We ask potential applicants to share a copy of their CV and a brief research proposal when they contact faculty members.

The UCD School of Philosophy hosts several research centres and projects, including the Centre for Ethics in Public Life (CEPL), the UCD Newman Centre for the Study of Religions, IRC funded research projects at postgraduate and postdoctoral level, and a project on Insincerity and Fragmented Minds (2020-2025) led by Elmar Unnsteinsson.

Official opening date of call: 29 August 2024

Application deadline: 10 October 2024

For more information about IRC Postdoctoral Fellowships see:

For more information about UCD Philosophy faculty members see:

UDC faculty members by research areas:

For more information about current and recent postdoctoral projects at UCD see:

Philosophers and linguists studying communication typically focus on face-to-face communication, where a speaker explicitly presents a piece of information to an addressee. A sailor says to his mate, for instance, “I see dry land”. Accordingly, the standard model of communication holds that such...

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Warwick seeks to appoint a 2-year Teaching Fellow in Moral and/or Poli...

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Warwick seeks to appoint a 2-year Teaching Fellow in Moral and/or Political Philosophy, potentially including Legal Philosophy. We especially welcome applications from members of groups currently underrepresented in philosophy.

For further details, see here:

CLOSING DATE: Sunday 14th July 2024 at 11.55pm

Very best,


Andrew Cooper | Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy | Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL

Title: Teaching Fellow (109340-0624). Application Deadline:


The department of philosophy at Maastricht University is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Theory (3 years, 75% research, 25% teaching). The researcher will carry out research on oligarchic threats to democracy (broadly constructed) as part of the project “Contours of a Non-Oligarchic Democratic Future”, led by Janosch Prinz, Enzo Rossi (UvA), and Manon Westphal (Münster). The post-doctoral researcher will also contribute to teaching in political theory at Maastricht University.

Note that the postdoc is partly paid directly by the funder, the Gerda Henkel Stiftung, and partly by Maastricht University. For details about the position, requirements, employment conditions, and application materials, please visit: Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Theory

Apply by 2 July 2024. Interviews on 10 or 11 July via zoom.
Enivsaged start 1 September or 1 October 2024.


The Section History of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Graz is offering a limited term replacement position for a full time University Assistant with doctorate (i.e. a full time Postdoc position) from September 2024 to August 2026 in order to fill a temporary vacancy.

For more information, see (English version)

or (German version)

Please note that a good command of German is required for this position.

Application deadline: 19.6.2024

If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Ursula Renz ([email protected])


Dr. Sarah Tropper

Universitätsassistentin | Assistant Professor

Institut für Philosophie | Department of Philosophy

Arbeitsbereich Geschichte der Philosophie | Section History of Philosophy

Universität Graz | University of Graz

Senior Teaching Associate In PhilosophyPolitics, Philosophy and ReligionLocation:  Bailrigg, Lancaster, UKSalary:   £38,...

Senior Teaching Associate In Philosophy

Politics, Philosophy and Religion
Location: Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK
Salary: £38,205 to £44,263 pro rata (part time, fixed term contract)
Closing Date: Friday 05 July 2024
Interview Date: Wednesday 31 July 2024
Reference: 0673-24

The Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion at Lancaster University is seeking to appoint a Senior Teaching Associate in Philosophy. This is a fixed-term, nine-month post at 0.7 FTE, to start on 16 September 2024.

The Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion is a dynamic, interdisciplinary department that is looking to build upon its substantial track record of high quality research, engagement and teaching. We are looking for a colleague who:

has a PhD or is near to completing their PhD in Philosophy
has an excellent track record of research-led teaching in Philosophy
has the experience and ability to teach in some or all of the following areas: metaphysics; logic and language; critical thinking
can demonstrate interdisciplinary strengths between Religion, Politics and Philosophy;
has the ability to engage, motivate and support students
can make a flexible contribution to teaching and administration in the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion
You will have experience of teaching undergraduates and/or postgraduates, and the ability to attract students and provide high quality, research-led teaching in Philosophy. Your teaching development will be supported by a mentoring system within the Department and a range of departmental and faculty level teaching development activities.

The Department is proud of its Athena Swan Award and is committed to the Race Equality Charter application process. The Department works on the advancement of equality, progression, and success for all and welcomes applications from people in all diversity groups, particularly women and ethnic minorities.

Link to university website:

The Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion at Lancaster University is seeking to appoint a Senior Teaching Associate in Philosophy. This is a fixed-term, nine-month post at 0.7 FTE, to start on 16 September 2024.The Department of Politics...


Post-Doctoral Teaching Associate in Philosophy
The University of Tennessee - Knoxville: Knoxville Academic Units: College of Arts and Sciences: Division of Arts & Humanities: Philosophy
Knoxville, Tennessee
Open Date
Jun 14, 2024
The Department of Philosophy at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville invites applications for a full-time (100%) Post-Doctoral Teaching Associate to begin August 1, 2024. This non-tenure-track position will be a two-year non-renewable appointment. The position comes with university benefits. The teaching load is 2-3. Preference will be given to candidates able to teach introductory courses to include social and political philosophy, and philosophy of law as well as advanced courses to include contemporary theories of justice, human rights/global justice, history of political philosophy and/or ethics, theory of ethics, philosophical foundations of democracy, and topics in philosophy of law.
Position requires demonstrated excellence in teaching and a PhD in Philosophy at the time of appointment. The candidate selected for this position must be able to meet eligibility requirements to work in the United States at the time of appointment and continue working legally for the proposed term of employment. The Knoxville campus of the University of Tennessee is seeking candidates who have the ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the diversity and intercultural goals of the University.
Application Instructions
To apply, please submit a letter of application, along with a C.V., a relevant syllabus, and the names of three references to Dr. Jon Garthoff via Interfolio at:
Review of applications will begin on June 23, 2024 and continue until the position is filled.


Fellowships Program Elisa Acuña

Call for Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

The Institute for Philosophical Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM) offers postdoctoral research fellowships.

Postdoctoral fellows are expected to:

a) Carry out their research project and publish the results.

b) Work full time on their research project.

c) Participate in the academic activities of the Institute.

d) Teach two courses throughout their fellowship year and supervise the work of undergraduate and graduate students.

Knowledge of Spanish is not required, but successful non-Spanish speaking applicants will be expected to learn the language during their stay. The Institute will promote a gender-sensitive perspective in the evaluation of candidates.

The deadline for applications is May 24, 2024. Applications or letters of recommendation sent after this date will not be accepted. The fellowship begins on March 1st, 2025. The starting date of the fellowship is non-extendable.

Duration. One year (with a possible renewal for a second year).

Grant. $32,000.00 MXN per month, tax free. According to the current exchange rate, this amounts to approximately $1,600.00 USD. The fellowship includes health insurance (coverage includes partners and children).

Requirements. It is required to have obtained a PhD at most 5 years before the beginning of the fellowship. In case the PhD has not yet been earned, the application may still be considered if it can be certified that the doctoral examination is already scheduled and will take place before the start of the fellowship. It is also required to have at least one paper published or accepted for publication.

Applicants must complete the following online form ( and send the documents listed below in one email as separate PDF files, each clearly identified. Incomplete applications and complete applications sent through means (Interfolio, WeTransfer, etc.) other than email will not be considered.

(1) Updated Curriculum Vitae including the following information: applicant’s full name (as it appears in the birth certificate or passport), home address, current job (if any), telephone contacts (cell phone, home, office), areas of specialization and competence, university and date in which the PhD degree was earned (or expected date) and publications.

(2) Copy of two published papers (do not send dissertations) or accepted-for-publication.

(3) Research project (15 pages max., without references; 12 points Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing). The research project must include: 1) Summary (one page), in which the academic contribution to be made to the Institute by the research project is specified; and the line of research, among those worked on in the Institute, in which the research projects would fall; 2) Definition of the subject or problem; 3) General and specific goals; 4) Methodology; 5) Presentation of the main theses or hypotheses; 6) List of products that will be delivered by the end of the project (papers or book chapters); and 7) References. The project must consider one year only, and must be signed by the applicant.

(4) Workplan and timeline stating the planned activities during the time of the fellowship (suggested length: 1 page). The workplan and the timeline must be signed by the applicant. It must include the specific timeframes for writing and concluding the research products (papers or book chapters), two teaching courses (with a maximum of six hours per week), and the scheduled dates of participation in national and international academic events (colloquia, conferences, workshops, etc.). When participating in academic events, the exact dates must be specified, since an absence longer than 45 days will not be authorized during the fellowship period. The dates must be indicated considering the beginning and the end of the academic activity. In case of not knowing the specific dates, it should be stated that the length of the national or/and international academic activities will not exceed 45 days.

(5) Two letters of recommendation sent directly by the authors or by the administrative staff of the applicant’s home university to the following email: [email protected]

(6) Cover letter.

(7) Copy of the PhD diploma, or official document certifying that the final PhD examination has been approved, or official document that states the exact date when the doctoral examination will take place. If the application is successful, an official document certifying that the degree has been earnt will need to be sent before the beginning of the fellowship.

(8) Applicants must send in a single file an abstract of their PhD dissertation (maximum length: one page) and the list of resulting publications. The abstract must specify the title of the dissertation, the university where it was obtained, and the name and university of the PhD supervisor. Having publications derived from the doctoral dissertation is an indispensable requirement to earn this fellowship. The list of resulting publications must include an abstract no longer than half a page and must specify whether it is published or accepted for publication.

All these documents must be sent to the following address: [email protected]

Please click here to see the historical record of the Program. Please click here to see our answers to FAQ.

For further questions please contact:

Dra. Aurelia Valero Pie
Head of Academic Affairs

Institute for Philosophical Research

National Autonomous University of Mexico

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: (52-55) 5622-7910

Aurelia Valero Pie
Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas


Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) will offer up to 10 full-time Research Fellowship positions commencing in 2025. Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis and will be fixed-term for three years. Applicants must have been awarded their PhD on or after 1 March 2021 or submit their thesis on or before 31 December 2023 (or make a convincing case for early career researcher status).

If you have an interest in applying for a Fellowship in the 2025 round through the Department of Philosophy, please send:

Provisional project title and a brief (400-word) project description
Name of potential Sponsor (there is no need to contact them at this stage)
Your PhD conferral date (or thesis submission date if the PhD is not yet awarded).
A copy of your CV as an attachment including a list of publications. Publications should be listed under the following headings: books, book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles and other. Your CV should also briefly detail any career interruptions since the award of your PhD.
to A/Prof. Robert Sinnerbrink ([email protected]) by Monday, 29 January 2024.

The MQRF Scheme provides an incubation period for early career researchers to allow them to increase their competitive edge in securing research funding from non-University sources. In addition, the Scheme aims to enhance the research capabilities of existing and emerging areas of research strength at Macquarie University. It is therefore important that projects show evidence of good research fit with both the Departmental and Faculty areas of research strength. More information about Research in the Department of Philosophy at Macquarie can be found here:

If the Department is able to sponsor your application, you will be notified by Monday, 5 February 2024. Sponsored applicants will then be invited to work with their sponsors to develop their formal applications which must be submitted via the WorkDay system by mid-late March 2024 (date to be confirmed).

ERA rates Macquarie's Philosophy research 5 out of 5 (well above world standard). Find out about our researchers' current projects and collaborations.

May be the final call for the 46th Annual Collegium Phaenomenologicum:The deadline for applications is February 16, 2024...

May be the final call for the 46th Annual Collegium Phaenomenologicum:

The deadline for applications is February 16, 2024.

Applications to attend can be directed to Professor Gert-Jan van der Heiden

[email protected]

General enquiries can be sent to Professor Dennis J. Schmidt

[email protected]

Conference details, including accommodation & pricing, can be found below.

Conference Details:

Theme: Philosophy and Poetry

When: July 8-26, 2024

Where: Cittá di Castello, Italy

Lecture Course—Week 1

Poetry and Philosophy in the Polis: Plato, Sophocles, Aristophanes

Dennis J. Schmidt, Western Sydney University

Individual Lectures by Claudia Baracchi (Università degli di Milano-Bicocca), Sara Brill (Fairfield University), Shane M. Ewegen (Trinity College).

Lecture Course—Week 2

Imageless Saying and the Poetic Word in Heidegger

Daniela Vallega-Neu, University of Oregon

Individual lectures by Julia Ireland (Whitman College), James Risser (Seattle University), Krzysztof Ziarek (University of Buffalo)

Lecture Course—Week 3

Derrida, Celan and the Poetics of Singularity

Hans Ruin, Södertörn University (Stockholm)

Individual lectures by Rebecca Comay (University of Toronto), David Krell (DePaul University), Omar Rivera (Texas A&M)

Accommodation + Pricing:

Where: Hotel Le Mura - Cittá di Castello, Italy
Room Rate: €48 (Double occupancy) / €60 (Single room) per day

Conference Fee: €275

More information can be found at the following links:

Collegium Flyer:

The Collegium is intended for faculty members and advanced graduate and postdoctoral students in philosophy and related disciplines. The core of the program consists in a series of lecture courses, individual lectures, and intensive text-based seminars.


Henry Daysh Building, Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne


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