Fellowships Program Elisa Acuña
Call for Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
The Institute for Philosophical Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM) offers postdoctoral research fellowships.
Postdoctoral fellows are expected to:
a) Carry out their research project and publish the results.
b) Work full time on their research project.
c) Participate in the academic activities of the Institute.
d) Teach two courses throughout their fellowship year and supervise the work of undergraduate and graduate students.
Knowledge of Spanish is not required, but successful non-Spanish speaking applicants will be expected to learn the language during their stay. The Institute will promote a gender-sensitive perspective in the evaluation of candidates.
The deadline for applications is May 24, 2024. Applications or letters of recommendation sent after this date will not be accepted. The fellowship begins on March 1st, 2025. The starting date of the fellowship is non-extendable.
Duration. One year (with a possible renewal for a second year).
Grant. $32,000.00 MXN per month, tax free. According to the current exchange rate, this amounts to approximately $1,600.00 USD. The fellowship includes health insurance (coverage includes partners and children).
Requirements. It is required to have obtained a PhD at most 5 years before the beginning of the fellowship. In case the PhD has not yet been earned, the application may still be considered if it can be certified that the doctoral examination is already scheduled and will take place before the start of the fellowship. It is also required to have at least one paper published or accepted for publication.
Applicants must complete the following online form (https://acortar.link/8dFWfF) and send the documents listed below in one email as separate PDF files, each clearly identified. Incomplete applications and complete applications sent through means (Interfolio, WeTransfer, etc.) other than email will not be considered.
(1) Updated Curriculum Vitae including the following information: applicant’s full name (as it appears in the birth certificate or passport), home address, current job (if any), telephone contacts (cell phone, home, office), areas of specialization and competence, university and date in which the PhD degree was earned (or expected date) and publications.
(2) Copy of two published papers (do not send dissertations) or accepted-for-publication.
(3) Research project (15 pages max., without references; 12 points Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing). The research project must include: 1) Summary (one page), in which the academic contribution to be made to the Institute by the research project is specified; and the line of research, among those worked on in the Institute, in which the research projects would fall; 2) Definition of the subject or problem; 3) General and specific goals; 4) Methodology; 5) Presentation of the main theses or hypotheses; 6) List of products that will be delivered by the end of the project (papers or book chapters); and 7) References. The project must consider one year only, and must be signed by the applicant.
(4) Workplan and timeline stating the planned activities during the time of the fellowship (suggested length: 1 page). The workplan and the timeline must be signed by the applicant. It must include the specific timeframes for writing and concluding the research products (papers or book chapters), two teaching courses (with a maximum of six hours per week), and the scheduled dates of participation in national and international academic events (colloquia, conferences, workshops, etc.). When participating in academic events, the exact dates must be specified, since an absence longer than 45 days will not be authorized during the fellowship period. The dates must be indicated considering the beginning and the end of the academic activity. In case of not knowing the specific dates, it should be stated that the length of the national or/and international academic activities will not exceed 45 days.
(5) Two letters of recommendation sent directly by the authors or by the administrative staff of the applicant’s home university to the following email: [email protected]
(6) Cover letter.
(7) Copy of the PhD diploma, or official document certifying that the final PhD examination has been approved, or official document that states the exact date when the doctoral examination will take place. If the application is successful, an official document certifying that the degree has been earnt will need to be sent before the beginning of the fellowship.
(8) Applicants must send in a single file an abstract of their PhD dissertation (maximum length: one page) and the list of resulting publications. The abstract must specify the title of the dissertation, the university where it was obtained, and the name and university of the PhD supervisor. Having publications derived from the doctoral dissertation is an indispensable requirement to earn this fellowship. The list of resulting publications must include an abstract no longer than half a page and must specify whether it is published or accepted for publication.
All these documents must be sent to the following address: [email protected]
Please click here to see the historical record of the Program. Please click here to see our answers to FAQ.
For further questions please contact:
Dra. Aurelia Valero Pie
Head of Academic Affairs
Institute for Philosophical Research
National Autonomous University of Mexico
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (52-55) 5622-7910
Aurelia Valero Pie
Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas