Bodleian History Faculty Library, Oxford

Bodleian History Faculty Library, Oxford The History Faculty Library houses the Univ. of Oxford's main collection of undergraduate lending ma

Ooh, I wonder what is in these boxes… wait & see! All will be revealed tmw!

Ooh, I wonder what is in these boxes… wait & see! All will be revealed tmw!


Historia Lectures continue Tuesday 16th January at 4pm with - The League of Nations Mandates System

A series of FREE super-curricular lectures aimed at students currently studying for A levels or equivalent. Historia Lectures are designed to introduce you to new and engaging historical topics, lectures are delivered LIVE online at 4pm, Tuesdays in term time.

Sessions include an introductory lecture, Q&A and suggested reading material to help you explore the topic further.

Link to register in Bio


Guess who’s back? With a brand new line up the Historia Lectures 2024 are launching on Tuesday 9th January - at 4pm with: Anti-Suffrage Women in Britain, 1880-1914

A series of FREE super-curricular lectures aimed at students currently studying for A levels or equivalent. Designed to introduce you to new and engaging historical topics, lectures are delivered LIVE online at 4pm, Tuesdays in term time.

Sessions include an introductory lecture, Q&A and suggested reading material to help you explore the topic further.

Link to register in Bio

Following the British Library's cyber-attack, we have some tips for workarounds for researchers impacted by this. See ou...

Following the British Library's cyber-attack, we have some tips for workarounds for researchers impacted by this. See our blog at

We’re continuing to experience a major technology outage as a result of a cyber-attack. This is affecting our website, online systems and services, as well as some onsite services. Our sites are still open and you can find details of the services available, plus other useful information on our blog:

Following last week’s confirmation that this was a ransomware attack, we now have evidence that indicates the attackers might have copied some user data, and additional data appears to have been published on the dark web.

We will continue to work with cybersecurity specialists to examine what this material is and we will be contacting our users to advise them of the practical steps they may need to take.

If you have a password for British Library services that you use on other websites, we recommend you change it elsewhere as a precaution. NCSC provides guidance on staying secure online, including how to create a strong password: You can also find specific guidance for individuals who may have been impacted by a data breach:

We’ll continue to share updates as and when we can. Thank you for your understanding.

📣Super excited to launch our LibGuide for   research resources. Discover 200+ resources by historical period, range of t...

📣Super excited to launch our LibGuide for research resources. Discover 200+ resources by historical period, range of topics ( to ), range of sources ( to ).👍

See for more details.

We are delighted to announce that the Bodleian Libraries’ LibGuide Disability History Resources is now live, just in time for UK Disability History Month (UKDHM). The guide was created by Alice She…


While our website is unavailable following a major technology outage caused by a cyber-attack, we’re keeping our blog up to date with what’s on at the Library:

We’ve just uploaded more events up until 14 December, including our current season of Fantasy events which you can now book online via See Tickets.

You can continue to find information about what else is available onsite and online here:

Oxford researchers now have online access to 14 collections of the Anglican missionary archive, the United Society for t...

Oxford researchers now have online access to 14 collections of the Anglican missionary archive, the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (USPG), which have been digitized by British Online Archives. This is a great resource to learn about the missionary activities across the globe, educational, charitable and medical work, but also learn about the daily lives of people.

See for more details.

We are pleased to announce that Oxford researchers now have online access to 14 collections of the Anglican missionary archive, the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (USPG), which ha…


Following our launch last night (which included a countdown and a big button) Manuscripts and Archives at Oxford University is live!

Easily search descriptions of Manuscripts and Archives held at the Bodleian and some Oxford colleges, from across 11 online catalogues!

To celebrate Black History Month 2023, running from the 1st October – 31st October, we have curated a display highlighti...

To celebrate Black History Month 2023, running from the 1st October – 31st October, we have curated a display highlighting the exceptional achievements and experiences of black people throughout history. This year’s theme is Saluting Our Sisters, therefore this display focuses on the overlooked contributions of black women to culture, politics, and the struggle against racial injustices. To complement our display of physical books, we would also like to highlight some of our e-books on black history, available online for Oxford University members to read remotely....

To celebrate Black History Month 2023, running from the 1st October – 31st October, we have curated a display highlighting the exceptional achievements and experiences of black people throughout hi…

Welcome tours of the Radcliffe Camera (including the History Faculty Library) are now available to be booked. Tours will...

Welcome tours of the Radcliffe Camera (including the History Faculty Library) are now available to be booked. Tours will be running throughout 0th week and 1st week of Michaelmas. You can book your places here: Tours will last around 30 minutes and will run at the following times: Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th October: 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30…...

Welcome tours of the Radcliffe Camera (including the History Faculty Library) are now available to be booked. Tours will be running throughout 0th week and 1st week of Michaelmas. You can book your…

New: Women’s Studies Archive: Issues and Identities.An excellent resource on C19 & C20 women's history & movements, wome...

New: Women’s Studies Archive: Issues and Identities.

An excellent resource on C19 & C20 women's history & movements, women's education, family life, health, etc. But also useful for global social, economic & political history as seen & described through women's eyes.

As we continue to grow our eresources collections on women’s history, we are pleased to announce that Oxford researchers now have access to Women’s Studies Archive: Issues and Identities. Thi…

New: Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive, part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World. A great resource to ...

New: Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive, part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World. A great resource to understand history slavery from a legal, social & economic perspective. Learn about resistance, daily life & abolition movement.

We are delighted to announce that Oxford researchers now have access to Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive, part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World. This collection provides acces…

eResources trial until 12 October: Records of Bethlem Royal Hospital 1559-1932.Fascinating source materials for   health...

eResources trial until 12 October: Records of Bethlem Royal Hospital 1559-1932.

Fascinating source materials for health .

Trial ends 12/10/23

Oxford researchers are invited to trial Records of Bethlem Royal Hospital 1559-1932. This resource is useful for the study of mental health care throughout the ages. It is relevant for the study of…

New for Oxford researchers. Confidential Print: Latin America is a great resource giving online access to Colonial and F...

New for Oxford researchers. Confidential Print: Latin America is a great resource giving online access to Colonial and Foreign Office records relating to Latin America and the Caribbean in the 19th and 20th centuries. Study Latin American and Caribbean history through the lense of British diplomatic and trade relations.

Researchers in Latin American and Caribbean History now have access to Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969, a terrific database recently acquired by the Bodleian Libraries that focuses on …

Oxford researchers now have access to 2 South Asian newspaper resources: South Asian newspapers - historical newspapers ...

Oxford researchers now have access to 2 South Asian newspaper resources: South Asian newspapers - historical newspapers from South Asia & South Asian newspapers. They mostly cover the modern period and will provide more useful source materials for anybody studying 19th and 20th century South Asia.

[posting on behalf of Emma Mathieson, Subject Librarian for South Asian studies] We are very pleased to let historians know that Oxford now has access to two new South Asian newspaper databases. Th…

Say hello to an improved SOLO! It's now easier to understand where a book is in the Old Bod & RadCam. The History Facult...

Say hello to an improved SOLO! It's now easier to understand where a book is in the Old Bod & RadCam. The History Faculty Library collections are now listed under Radcliffe Camera.

Check out new SOLO at If you have any problems, contact library staff. Any feedback? Tell us via the Feedback form.

Today (24 August 2023) we upgraded to a new library system. Most of the changes are ‘behind the scenes’ but we have also taken the opportunity to make some changes to some aspects of SO…

New for Oxford researchers: 'Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan, 1834-1922: From Silk Road to Soviet Rule;'. Gives acc...

New for Oxford researchers: 'Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan, 1834-1922: From Silk Road to Soviet Rule;'. Gives access to Foreign Office files covering 1834-1922. include correspondence, intelligence reports, telegrams, draft treaties, etc.

A great resource for the study of British and Russia's relations with regional powers in 1830s, to research Anglo-Afghan Wars & ongoign competition between Britain & Russia for influence in the region, etc.

Oxford reseachers now have access to Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan, 1834-1922: From Silk Road to Soviet Rule (Archives Unbound). ‘This collection of documents sheds a remarkable light on Bri…

5 new eresources for C19 C20   history  , history of US foreign affairs, Western colonisation & decolonisation, military...

5 new eresources for C19 C20 history , history of US foreign affairs, Western colonisation & decolonisation, military history Christan-Muslims relations, etc.
New Archives Unbound databases (Gale / Cengage) are US Dept of State documents & provide huge amount of insight & detail of events, people & places.

Thanks to our colleagues, Oxford researchers now have access to 5 new databases providing accesss to important source materials for Middle and Near Eastern history in the 19th and 20th centuries. T…

Calling all Napoleon researchers and 19th century French historians! You will be pleased to know that a major resource '...

Calling all Napoleon researchers and 19th century French historians! You will be pleased to know that a major resource 'Napoleon – Letters and Papers: Sources of a Family' is available as an Open Access resource. This database provides access to the Bonaparte family’s autographs and correspondence.

It is a valuable source for the study of French and European history, science, and intellectual attitudes from the late 18th century to the early 20th century.

Calling all Napoleon researchers and 19th century French historians! You will be pleased to know that a major resource Napoleon – Letters and Papers: Sources of a Family is available as an Open Acc…

Researchers now have access to 'China and the Modern World: Imperial China and the West, Part I: 1815–1881.'Drawn from F...

Researchers now have access to 'China and the Modern World: Imperial China and the West, Part I: 1815–1881.'

Drawn from Foreign Office files & documents in English, this is a great source for researching history of Anglo-Chinese relationship during the C19. Touches on diplomacy, trade, war, treaties, Chinese emigration, cross-cultural communication, etc.

Oxford researchers now have access to China and the Modern World: Imperial China and the West, Part I: 1815-1881. This database is an essential primary source archive for researching the internal p…

New for Oxford researchers "C19: The Nineteenth Century Index". Search of 25 million+ citations from lots of C19th indic...

New for Oxford researchers "C19: The Nineteenth Century Index". Search of 25 million+ citations from lots of C19th indices. Great for 19th century British history.

Oxford researchers now have access to C19: The Nineteenth Century Index. This database is a bibliographic resource for 19th century research, comprising tens of millions of records and providing in…

Oxford researchers now have access to 'Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History'. This fascinating resource is useful...

Oxford researchers now have access to 'Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History'. This fascinating resource is useful for those interested in women's history, travel, global history, social and daily life, etc.

It covers early 19th century to late 20th century. The sources are based on the on the collections of the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library, Harvard University.

We are delighted to announce that Oxford researchers now have access to Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History. It is a fascinating collection of wide-ranging materials drawing on the collecti…

Oxford University members can now read 4new primary sources on the history and politics of Ukraine and the Russian Empir...

Oxford University members can now read 4new primary sources on the history and politics of Ukraine and the Russian Empire, at a time when access to regional archives is severely constrained. The new resources are: Pravda Ukrainy Digital Archive, Demokratychna Ukraina Digital Archive, Donetsk and Luhansk Newspaper Collection, and The Vestnik Evropy Digital Archive (1802 – 1830).

Digital collections of twentieth-century Ukrainian newspapers and a Russian journal from the start of the nineteenth century can be found in SOLO’s Databases A – Z Oxford University members can now…

From Vere Harmsworth Library: New Archives Unbound databases for US History: Confederate Newspapers; Election of 1948; F...

From Vere Harmsworth Library: New Archives Unbound databases for US History: Confederate Newspapers; Election of 1948; Franklin D. Roosevelt and Race; Global Missions and Theology Relations, 1933-1945.

Good sources for US politics & culture, African American studies, newspapers, and missionaries and the global evangelical movement, as well as US History

[Re-blogged from Vere Harmsworth Library blog, 25 July 2023] I am pleased to report that the VHL has committed funding towards four new databases from the Archives Unbound collections from Gale. Th…

Great news. Oxford researchers now have access to Dublin Castle Records, 1798-1926, providing access to the records of t...

Great news. Oxford researchers now have access to Dublin Castle Records, 1798-1926, providing access to the records of the British administration at a crucial time in Irish and British history.

We are delighted to report that Oxford researchers now have access to Dublin Castle Records, 1798-1922, providing access to the records of the British administration in Ireland prior to 1922. The D…

A guest blog post by Sarah Rhodes, African & Commonwealth Subject Librarian, Bodleian Libraries. We are delighted that O...

A guest blog post by Sarah Rhodes, African & Commonwealth Subject Librarian, Bodleian Libraries. We are delighted that Oxford researchers and students now have access to the East African Newspapers dataset. This exciting newspaper collection, recently acquired by the Bodleian Libraries, is provided by East View Information Services and sponsored by the Center for Research Libraries. Overview: The twentieth and early twenty-first centuries were a time of great change for Africa....

A guest blog post by Sarah Rhodes, African & Commonwealth Subject Librarian, Bodleian Libraries. We are delighted that Oxford researchers and students now have access to the East African Newspa…

Would you like paid business experience with a global publisher? Become a Gale Ambassador and help raise awareness of th...

Would you like paid business experience with a global publisher? Become a Gale Ambassador and help raise awareness of the digital resources available at Oxford. The Gale Ambassador Program is a paid (£700) opportunity for Arts / Humanities / Social Science students (all years) to work with a publisher, develop valuable career skills, and improve your current research skills. Gale…...

Would you like paid business experience with a global publisher? Become a Gale Ambassador and help raise awareness of the digital resources available at Oxford. The Gale Ambassador Program is a pai…


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