📢 Today we're celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science! #IDWGS2025
'At present, only 24–25% of physics degree recipients in the UK identify as women+' * And many of them are foreign students coming to study here.. We need more girls doing physics at school!
Share your experiences and tips for youger scientists on the comments below...
* Source: Berry, T., Mordijck, S. Wasted talent: the status quo of women in physics in the US and UK. Commun Phys 7, 77 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-024-01579-9
New AI-based extreme weather forecasting model ‘a game-changer for parts of the world which have previously suffered from a lack of resource and infrastructure but who bear the brunt of climate change’
@wfp_eu @wfpusa @icpac_climatecenter ECMWF @oxford_uni
We celebrate #InternationalWomensDay and the many talented, creative and world-leading academics we work with. Watch this video about one of them, Prof Daniela Bortoletto, Head of Particle Physics @UniofOxford
@mplsoxford #InspireInclusion
World Radio Day - 13 February #WorldRadioDay
Radio waves were originally discovered by one Heinrich Hertz, following on the heels of his discovery of electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves operate at a frequency of 30 hertz and 300 gigahertz. These waves are generated by a device called a transmitter. The transmitter is connected to the antennas which allow the radio waves to radiate. Finally, these waves are received by a radio receiver that is attached to another system of antennas. (Read more https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/radio-day/)
Why not visit the History of Science Museum in Oxford, and check out all the objects and material related to #Marconi? https://www.hsm.ox.ac.uk/marconi
Learn and translate text to #Morse https://morsecode.world/international/translator.html
If you think you have deciphered what the sound on this video means, write it below!