Centre for Language Studies UTHM

Centre for Language Studies UTHM CLS Official Page

English Exit Course. Join now!

English Exit Course. Join now!

ENGLISH EXIT COURSE (EEC)The Centre for Language Studies (CLS) offers the English Exit Course (EEC), which is designed t...


The Centre for Language Studies (CLS) offers the English Exit Course (EEC), which is designed to help international postgraduate students fulfill the English language requirements for graduation as stipulated by the Centre for Graduate Studies (CGS). Students are only allowed to attend the EEC after a minimum of two attempts in any English language competency examinations endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia such as MUET, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, and Pearson).

The EEC serves as an opportunity for students who have already completed their postgraduate studies yet remain just shy of the English competency standards established by the CGS to graduate. This course also equips its participants with linguistic ability essential for real-world professional arenas, ultimately guiding them to conclude their academic endeavours.

Covering an intensive two days, EEC includes lectures and assessments, coordinated by experts from the Department of English and Linguistics (DELL) at CLS. To ensure the smooth management and thorough evaluation of this course, a fee of RM600 will be charged per candidate and are non-refundable, underscoring the institution's commitment to managing the course. To ensure the smooth operation of the EEC, CLS requires a minimum of five (5) students to participate each time the course is held.

If you wish to enroll in the EEC, please complete the Google Form which is accessible at the given link.

Click the link below to register :

Setinggi-tinggi ucapan tahniah di atas kejayaan Puan Thuwaibah binti Mohd Junaid, Dr. Mimi Nahariah Azwani binti Mohamed...

Setinggi-tinggi ucapan tahniah di atas kejayaan Puan Thuwaibah binti Mohd Junaid, Dr. Mimi Nahariah Azwani binti Mohamed dan Cik Fazita binti Md.Tab membangunkan modul Micro-Credentials bertajuk Presentation Skill for Everyone.
Semoga terus cemerlang dalam semua yang diusahakan dan menjadi contoh tauladan bagi rakan-rakan yang lain.

Setinggi-tinggi ucapan tahniah dan selamat menjalankan tugas diucapkan Puan Yeoh Li Cheng ,Ketua Jabatan (Mobiliti Antar...

Setinggi-tinggi ucapan tahniah dan selamat menjalankan tugas diucapkan Puan Yeoh Li Cheng ,Ketua Jabatan (Mobiliti Antarabangsa dan Student Experience.
Semoga pelantikan ini menjadi pemangkin kepada kecemerlangan Pusat Pengajian Bahasa, dan didoakan Puan Yeoh Li Cheng terus komited dalam memimpin serta membawa inovasi yang memberi impak positif sepanjang tempoh lantikan ini.
Tahniah dan selamat maju jaya!


Kursus Asas Bersiri Tatabahasa Arab 1.0

Congratulations to Associate Professor Dr Sazuliana Sanif for obtaining the promotion to Associate Professor Grade DS 54...

Congratulations to Associate Professor Dr Sazuliana Sanif for obtaining the promotion to Associate Professor Grade DS 54.

May the promotion spur you to soar and achieve greater success.

Congratulations to Associate Professor Dr Siti Noor Fazelah Mohd Noor for being awarded The Best Industrial Relations Fe...

Congratulations to Associate Professor Dr Siti Noor Fazelah Mohd Noor for being awarded The Best Industrial Relations Fellow 2024.

May this recognition escalate you and CLS UTHM to higher levels.



Program Flea Market 2.0 2024 telah berlangsung pada 23, 24, 27 dan 28 Oktober 2024, jam 10.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang di Bilik Seminar, Pusat Pengajian Bahasa. Sambutan orang ramai terhadap program ini adalah sangat menggalakkan dan di luar jangkaan terutama dalam kalangan pelajar dan staf UTHM. Terdapat juga pengunjung luar UTHM yang sama-sama memeriahkan program dengan membeli barangan yang ada. Maklum balas yang diterima mengenai program ini juga sangat positif dan memberangsangkan, malah terdapat cadangan agar program ini dapat diadakan lagi pada masa hadapan.
Program Flea Market 2.0 2024 ini diadakan untuk memberikan pendedahan kepada umum berkenaan amalan kitar semula (recycle), kitar tinggi (upcycle) dan guna semula (reuse). Selain itu, program ini diadakan untuk mengumpulkan dana bagi tujuan amal yang memberi manfaat kepada warga UTHM khasnya pelajar-pelajar UTHM yang memerlukan, di samping mempromosikan Pusat Pengajian Bahasa kepada umum dengan penganjuran program berasaskan khidmat masyarakat ini.
Penganjuran program Flea Market 2.0 2024 kali ini dilihat berlangsung dengan lebih baik berbanding penganjuran kali pertama dari segi sokongan dari penyumbang mahupun pembeli, ini dapat dilihat jelas dari segi hasil jualan dan sambutan para pelanggan. Program ini telah berjaya mengumpulkan hasil jualan sebanyak RM6431.50 dan kesemuanya telah didermakan kepada Tabung Dana Ihsan, Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar UTHM. Majlis simbolik penyerahan sumbangan telah diadakan pada 7 Disember 2024 oleh YBhg. Dekan Pusat Pengajian Bahasa kepada YBhg. Datuk Haji Mohd Lassim bin Burhan, Ahli Lembaga Pengarah UTHM bersempena Majlis Perasmian Festival Konvokesyen UTHM 2024 (FESTKON UTHM 2024) di Padang Kawad, UTHM.
Barangan yang tidak berjaya dijual telah disumbangkan kepada Pertubuhan Kebajikan Inspirasi Insani, Batu Pahat, Johor, Program Pejuang Jalanan 2024 anjuran pelajar UTHM, dan kepada individu yang memerlukan. Manakala barang-barang sumbangan yang tidak melepasi piawaian untuk dijual juga telah dilupuskan secara beretika di pusat kitar semula di Batu Pahat. Secara keseluruhannya, program Flea Market 2.0 2024 kali ini berjaya mencapai objektif penganjurannya, dan boleh diteruskan pada masa hadapan.


Report of Visit to the Institute of Business Management (IoBM), as Keynote Speaker at the 3rd  International Conference ...

Report of Visit to the Institute of Business Management (IoBM), as Keynote Speaker at the 3rd International Conference on Education 2024 (ICE-24) and Guest Speaker at Sukkur IBA University in Pakistan.

On the 7th and 8th of December 2024, Associate Professor Dr. Sarala Thulasi Palpanadan from the Centre for Language Studies (CLS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), participated in the 3rd International Conference on Education (ICE-24) as a Keynote Speaker. This prestigious event, hosted by the Department of Education at the Institute of Business Management (IoBM) in collaboration with Sukkur IBA University (SIBAU), took place in Pakistan, attracting renowned scholars and educators from around the globe.
Dr. Sarala presented a topic entitled - “The AI Revolution: Making Education More Accessible and Inclusive.” Her thought-provoking discourse delved deeply into the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in reshaping educational landscapes, sparking vibrant discussions on its integration into diverse academic settings.
On the second day, Dr. Sarala joined an elite panel to discuss the compelling topic “Beyond Academics: Building Character and Community for Gen Z and Alpha.” Her insightful discussion included ideas on the nuances of nurturing holistic development in younger generations of Gen Z and Gen Alpha. Additionally, she attended parallel sessions featuring presenters from across the globe, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to engaging with cutting-edge educational research. In a moment of honour, Dr Sarala was invited to present certificates of participation to the presenters, further enriching the event with her distinguished presence.
The momentum of Dr. Sarala’s impactful journey carried over to the 9th of December 2024, when she was cordially invited as a Guest Speaker at Sukkur IBA University, Sindh. Here, she delivered an enlightening lecture on “Technology in English Language Teaching & Learning” to refresh the minds of youngsters about utilizing technology wisely in language learning activities. The organizers proudly showcased the university's state-of-the-art Library and Fabrication Lab, highlighting their institutional advancements. Dr. Sarala also conducted an engaging sharing session with postgraduate students, focusing on “Mixed-Method Research,” inspiring the next generation of scholars with her expertise and passion.
This remarkable visit was both fruitful and unforgettable. Associate Professor Dr. Sarala was warmly received by both institutions, which reciprocated her insights with a wealth of shared knowledge. The collaborative spirit fostered during these events culminated in a mutual intent to pursue future partnerships, particularly in the areas of research and publication.

Tahniah flea market 2.0!7 Disember 2024 | Penyerahan sumbangan hasil jualan program FLEA Market 2.0 2024 untuk Tabung Da...

Tahniah flea market 2.0!
7 Disember 2024 | Penyerahan sumbangan hasil jualan program FLEA Market 2.0 2024 untuk Tabung Dana Ehsan semasa Majlis Perasmian Festival Konvokesyen 2024 yang lepas.

21 Nov 2024 | Program bersama Writing Unit 'To Write or Not to Write' Bengkel Penulisan Kreatif bersama pelajar SK Banda...

21 Nov 2024 | Program bersama Writing Unit 'To Write or Not to Write'
Bengkel Penulisan Kreatif bersama pelajar SK Bandar Batu Pahat

Tahniah! graduan pasca siswazah CLS.Bagi meraikan graduan dari CLS, satu majlis hi-tea telah diadakan di hotel pintar pa...

Tahniah! graduan pasca siswazah CLS.

Bagi meraikan graduan dari CLS, satu majlis hi-tea telah diadakan di hotel pintar pada 6hb disember 2024. Seramai 2 orang graduan dari CLS iaitu Dr Rosmahalil Azrol bin Abdullah dan En Muhammad Nadzrin bin Khairuddin, diraikan bersama sama 4 orang graduan lain dari PPUK.
Program ini berjalan selama 3 jam, di mana para graduan dan keluarga dijemput memeriahkan suasana konvokesyen kali ini.
Selain dari itu, para penyelia juga dijemput untuk bersama-sama melakarkan memori di hari yang bersejarah ini.
Semoga program sebegini memberika motivasi kepada pelajar lain dalam meneruskan perjuangan dalam pelajaran serta dapat mempromosikan program pasca siswazah kepada bakal pelajar lain.

International Conference of Translation and Cross-cultural Education.On November 17 and 18, 2024, the International Conf...

International Conference of Translation and Cross-cultural Education.

On November 17 and 18, 2024, the International Conference of Translation and Cross-Cultural Education took place in Yichang, China, organised by China Three Gorges University. This significant event attracted approximately 300 participants, including industry leaders, academics, and students, who gathered to discuss emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in the fields of translation and cross-cultural education.
The conference aimed to inspire discussions, share knowledge, and promote collaboration among professionals and stakeholders. As the keynote speaker, Associate Professor Dr Zulida Abdul Kadir had the opportunity to engage with a diverse audience and contribute to meaningful discussions that highlighted the importance of translation and intercultural understanding in today's globalised world.
Beyond her role as a speaker, attending the conference was an enriching experience. It provided an excellent platform for networking and exchanging ideas with other professionals in the field. This engagement reinforced her commitment to continuous learning and sharing knowledge in impactful ways, emphasising the vital role of collaboration in advancing translation and cross-cultural education.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program on Public Speaking Skills at SK Dato’ Syed Zain Alshahab, Kluang, JohorOn ...

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program on Public Speaking Skills at SK Dato’ Syed Zain Alshahab, Kluang, Johor

On December 2, 2024, Associate Professor Dr. Sarala Thulasi Palpanadan from the Centre for Language Studies (CLS), University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) led a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative focusing on Public Speaking Skills at SK Dato’ Syed Zain Alshahab, Kluang, Johor. The session, titled “Speak English with Confidence,” was warmly supported by the school management and teachers, including the Principal (Tn. Hj. Zaini Bin Johari), Senior Assistant 1 (Tn. Hj. Sulaiman bin Adenan), Head of English Panitia, and language teachers who extended exceptional hospitality in hosting Dr. Sarala for this engaging event.
The program witnessed enthusiastic participation from over 230 pupils from Year 4 and Year 5. A team of language teachers also facilitated the activities to ensure smooth ex*****on and maximize the program's impact. Dr Sarala’s talk emphasized practical and effective strategies for enhancing public speaking skills, presenting simple yet powerful tips to help students communicate more confidently.
Interactive activities such as role-plays, group exercises, and student presentations were integral components of the program, fostering active engagement among the participants. These dynamic sessions provided students with hands-on experience in practising their public speaking skills in a supportive and stimulating environment.
The school administration expressed appreciation for the initiative and highlighted its alignment with their educational objectives. They also conveyed their eagerness to collaborate on similar programs in the future with CLS, UTHM. The session concluded in the afternoon with a photography session, marking the success of a memorable and impactful event.
This CSR program not only equipped students with vital communication skills but also reinforced the importance of continuous learning and community engagement in educational development.

28 November 2024 | Program Cooking Class with Profe Sabrina (Sabor de España) Thank you to everyone who joined the Progr...

28 November 2024 | Program Cooking Class with Profe Sabrina (Sabor de España)

Thank you to everyone who joined the Program Cooking Class with Profe Sabrina organized by the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) UTHM. Participants learned how to cook authentic Spanish dishes, experienced hands-on cooking, and discovered more about Spanish culture and language. It was a fun and interactive session where everyone got to enjoy the process of preparing and tasting delicious recipes.
A special thanks to Associate Professor Dr. Haji Azmi bin Abdul Latiff for officiating the event and to all the participants for making it a memorable day. We hope this program inspired everyone to explore more about Spanish food and culture. Stay tuned for our upcoming events!


Tea Ceremony Reflection – A Journey of Culture and Connection.

Tea Ceremony Reflection – A Journey of Culture and Connection.


Parit Raja


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